A very tragic teen suicide ..... she was trans....

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Leelah posted 2 months ago to r/asktransgender on Reddit:


Leelah Alcorn said:
Sorry in advance for the long post, but I really need help.

Hi, I'm Leelah, 16 and MtF/dmab. Ever since I was around 4 or 5 I knew I was a girl, just like most of the lovely ladies on here, but I didn't actually understand that it was possible to successfully change genders until I was 14. As soon as I found out what transgender meant, I came out to my mom. She reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong, and it felt awful.

She then proceeded to tell my Dad without my consent, and they were both extremely angry with me. They never physically hurt me, but they always talked to me in a very derogatory tone. They would say things like "You'll never be a real girl" or "What're you going to do, f*** boys?" or "God's going to send you straight to hell". These all made me feel awful about myself, I was christian at the time so I thought that God hated me and that I didn't deserve to be alive. I cut myself at least once every couple days, and I was constantly thinking about suicide.

I wanted to see a gender therapist but they wouldn't let me, they thought it would corrupt my mind. The would only let me see biased Christian therapists, who instead of listening to my feelings would try to change me into a straight male who loved God, and I would cry after every session because I felt like it was hopeless and there was no way I would ever become a girl.

Eventually I lied to them and told them I was straight and that I was a boy, and then the derogatory speech and neglect started to fade. I tried my absolute hardest to live up to their standards and be a straight male, but eventually I realized that I hated religion and my parents. I came out as gay in school, hoping to ease my friends into the whole LGBT thing before I came out as trans. Although my friends reactions were mostly positive my parents were beyond pissed. They took me out of public school, took away my phone and computer, and wouldn't let me on social media websites, so I was out of contact with any of my friends. I was like this for 5 months, completely and utterly alone. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone outside of church and I wasn't allowed to be with any of my friends, I just had to stay in my house and be quiet.

Eventually they came around and gave me my phone back, but they heavily monitored my facebook/twitter/tumblr profiles in case I did anything "stupid" again. Although I got my friends back I wasn't allowed to talk to them about anything LGBT.

Since then, I've been trying to hang out with my friends more and now that I have a car I have more freedom, but my parents never let me around my friends. I've gone out with my friends 3 times in the last year, because every time my parents cancel last minute and make me do something else. It's like they want me to have enough social interaction so I won't forget how to interact with humans, but they don't want me to actually have healthy relationships with people.

This feels horrible. The way I feel when I talk to my parents and the way my parents treat me like I'm subhuman and that my feelings aren't valid all make me think that I'm going through abuse, but I don't know if it counts or not. I'm not physically beaten or hit, but I feel like this is a different kind of abuse, maybe mental or verbal or something.

Please help me, I don't know what I should do and I can't take much more of this. I don't know if my problem is serious enough that I can contact authorities for help and even if it is I don't know how much that'll damage or help my current situation. I'm stuck.

You can read the whole thread at the link above. She tried. People tried to counsel her. She was so close to getting out,
Who needs TV shows. Michele Bachmann's husband (Michelle is another Sarah Palin clone down in the U.S. for those who don't follow their politics) is the most classic example of closet gay I've seen in a long time. It's hard to counsel youth to be true to themselves, to own their identities, when culturally, we enthusiastically participate in public charades.
What I will continue to strive for is to treat everyone I meet with Christian love and compassion. How exactly that will play itself out in the future is for me to discover.
Interesting answer .......
I am sure the Leelahs of this world will find that very comforting
One thing that Leelah's death is doing, is shining a light on so-called "conversion therapy". It is not recognized as beneficial by any leading group of physicians or psychologists. I'm not usually one for banning things, but this practice should be banned to prevent more kids from being forced into it by rabid parents.


Washington D.C. recently passed a ban on minors being subjected to such "therapy". California and New Jersey already have bans in place. Three down, forty eight to go.
Washington D.C. recently passed a ban on minors being subjected to such "therapy". California and New Jersey already have bans in place. Three down, forty eight to go.
We will work until this cruel form of therapy is eradicated ....
I will not stop....
The first babysitter we had that we actually felt comfortable leaving our kids with was the beautiful, intelligent, mature and fun daughter of a guy who my wife’s father used to play in a band with. We really liked her a lot, and so did my kids.

But some kids get involved in dangerous behaviors. One Saturday morning at about 8 AM we were out doing garage sales and came to the babysitter’s house. She was out helping her mother with their sale and she was all dressed up/ made up goth. This is something a parent should be concerned with. Suicide attempt rates above 50%.

Not long after that morning, she and her boyfriend successfully committed suicide. Heroin overdose. Her father was a strict father. Her mother was accepting of everything she did and tried to be more of a friend than a mother. The daughter was deeply loved by all.

I don’t know if the parents blamed themselves or the other one, but whatever the dynamic – the suicide also killed the marriage.

Was it the parents’ fault that she killed herself? Was it their church? Is passing judgement even helpful?
Pontifex ...... that sory is nothing at all like Leelah's story.......
Gender identity is a neutral thing .... neither good or bad ... like eye colour.
What we do with that truth can take a good path or a bad path.
When the path is impeded .... well .... an outcome like Leelah's is all too likely.
So ... what to do ..... help the person deal with things and find a good path? .... or block and deny and only leave the bad path open.
In my opinion the party most guilty is the church (general context)
The church should have examined this long ago and helped this family and other families like this.
The church deals with the spirit and soul of a person and I feel that their obligation is to be at the forefront of research and to be constantly reexamining their understanding and theology to make sure they are right and do no harm.
The first babysitter we had that we actually felt comfortable leaving our kids with was the beautiful, intelligent, mature and fun daughter of a guy who my wife’s father used to play in a band with. We really liked her a lot, and so did my kids.

But some kids get involved in dangerous behaviors. One Saturday morning at about 8 AM we were out doing garage sales and came to the babysitter’s house. She was out helping her mother with their sale and she was all dressed up/ made up goth. This is something a parent should be concerned with. Suicide attempt rates above 50%.

Not long after that morning, she and her boyfriend successfully committed suicide. Heroin overdose. Her father was a strict father. Her mother was accepting of everything she did and tried to be more of a friend than a mother. The daughter was deeply loved by all.

I don’t know if the parents blamed themselves or the other one, but whatever the dynamic – the suicide also killed the marriage.

Was it the parents’ fault that she killed herself? Was it their church? Is passing judgement even helpful?
SnP, what does this have to do with the thread?
Pontifex is SnP????? ..... thank you for that information chansen..... that helps.....
Now it fits :)
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Pontifex is SnP????? ..... thank you for that information chansen..... that helps.....
Now it fits :)

That was revealed in a thread in R&F a while ago that I don't think you were part of.
ohhhhhhhhhhh ...... typical me LOL
Anyways ... so good to know who I am discussing with.
I tend to keep only the one name :)
Pontifex is SnP????? ..... thank you for that information chansen..... that helps.....
Now it fits :)
He was also "Jesus", though he abandoned that account once he screwed up. I like to think that SnP sacrificed Jesus.