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Really not doing ok.
Copper levels are high - can do damage to liver, kidneys and brain.
Liver issues can make copper rise though too. Most of my liver markers are looking ok, 2 are not.
We were assume the former with me, but ultrasound is suggesting latter.
My internist was expecting a normal ultrasound, it is not. Multiple spots, one quite large. The phrase suspected metastatic is on there. Need a biopsy and MRI before anything is diagnosed.

Stuff has to be arranged with 2 hospitals for the biopsy. The normal receptionist wasn't even there today. I don't know what to do. I have no dates.
So sorry to hear that Chemgal! I hope they get everything moving along quickly!!
My biggest challenge with no vehicle is getting larger items from the thrift store or Restore. I use the bus and there isn't much I can carry, and apparently delivery across the river is $70!!!!! Not that far either.

That doesn't sound like all that much to me.
My biggest challenge with no vehicle is getting larger items from the thrift store or Restore. I use the bus and there isn't much I can carry, and apparently delivery across the river is $70!!!!! Not that far either.

Ninjafaery, Could you arrange to have the store hold the item for a few days? Then, call a friend (ie me) and if it will fit in the car, perhaps you could arrange to have it picked up.
Hugs to chemgal, because you must be hella frightened.

Ninja, go looking on Facebook for a "Name of Community Being Neighbourly". Ours is called "Barrie and Area Being Neighbourly". That's where you might find a neighbour with a larger vehicle happy to help you move something for free or price of gas. I help the odd person if the request fits my schedule, etc.

Mrs. A., I like your co-workers sense of humour...
Oh, they are great. They showed up and said that I was going to be moved to the only bed available on Psych unit and they were ask to do a cognitive test on me. If I don’t get out of here soon, they are sending me to Long Term Care....
No fair making people laugh too much right after surgery!! They sound like a great group who care a lot about you. You're a treasure.
My GP called today, Chemguy talked to her while I napped for some of the conversation before gradually waking up.
She called because yesterday I called to request she actually get onto the computer to see my results - she still hadn't come across the ultrasound, Chemguy let her know we had dropped off a copy this morning.

My internist had started my appointment by reading the ultrasound report. The word cancer never came up until the end of our appointment. I understood the report almost as much as he did, minus one word which is explained to me. He brushed over metastatic, I think he was hoping I wouldn't get the full picture right away. I did. When he went to print me off a copy I turned to Chemguy and said something like you know that metastatic means it's bad, right? Apparently he just heard it's bad. Chemguy never connected to the metastatic part like I did, he just figured 'spread through liver'.

Well my GP upon reading the ultrasound report know a plan immediately. I have already read that metastatic cancer rarely begins in the liver. She wants to do a whole bunch of screening - skin, breast, colon, etc. That aspect hadn't occurred to Chemguy. I lost my rock for a bit, I had to calm him down after. He's out getting a massage - one he had booked a while ago. I hope it helps him relax.
Oh man @ChemGal. Are you saying you have cancer? This is a club none of us wants to join. The word metastatic is extra scary. I hope the screening reveals answers for you. sending hugs.
Oh man @ChemGal. Are you saying you have cancer? This is a club none of us wants to join. The word metastatic is extra scary. I hope the screening reveals answers for you. sending hugs.
I can't confirm 100%. My liver is full of masses. "highly suspicious for metastatic disease" is what the radiologist wrote and called my doctor about 2 hours after the ultrasound was done.
The test result that I picked up on was going up in 2015 - so it's been a while. I think this stuff is what triggered my HAE to be so bad.
What's your next step @ChemGal ?
Biopsy & MRI, I am guessing biopsy comes first although no appointment for either.
I did blood work today. Mostly for bleeding stuff for the biopsy - annoying as it's no where near as detailed as what my hematologist did and were done in triplicate - all different dates. 2 cancer markers were tested, one I got results back this afternoon - negative. One won't come back for ~2 weeks.
ChemGal….Hugs. Hope your rock has recovered enough to continue to support. Definitely a family issue/responsibility.
Thanks all, I am reading even when not responding.
I'm having trouble. I'm not sleeping well but am of course still really fatigued. I'm forgetting things constantly.
Yet I feel like I am responsible for so much of my care. This was only caught because I caught it and if I had double checked all my results in the past may have caught it years earlier. I can't trust my doctors. Even with the biopsy I wasn't asked about what needed to be done, I immediately had to go hey, I need extra meds in order to have that done safely.

I feel like if I'm not on, 100% all the time as a patient my care gets mishandled. I don't know how to be on that well right now.