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  • Seeler, good on you! How old a boy? Born in Perry's Cove, NL, 1880, my father was 11 in 1891. That spring he got his first job as a Ship's Boy on a fishing schooner, which, using sails only plied its way through the icy waters filled with small pans of ice on its way to the fishing famous cod fishing grounds near the Labrador coast. BTW, in 1953 I was the first UC minister in Happy Valley, Labrador.
    RevLindsG King
    RevLindsG King
    BTW, married in Sept, 1952, my wife is Jean Turner (now a retired teacher) from Hartland, N.B. In Sept, 1947--at 17 and of the same age, we met at Mount Allison Univ. www.mta.ca At 23, I was the youngest ordained--close to the time our queen was crowned--in Sackville. [Quite a story. If you'd like to hear it, there is more ...]
    The boy in my novel is 12 when he joins the Franklin Expedition in search of the Northwest Passage.
    I recently had a novel published - Ship's Boy in the Arctic. It's available on Amazon.com
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