Fires in Northwest Territories

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wondering & wandering
Have been hearing a bit about the forest fires in NWT - yesterday a news story saying the area burned now exceeds the size of Newfoundland, and smoke is causing problems all the way south to the Dakotas. Some power plants have been shut down due to proximity of the fires.

I recall @crazyheart commenting earlier in the week that the smoke was causing her, and others with breathing problems, to stay indoors.

I've never personally been near a forest fire, but would imagine it to be quite overwhelming, and frightening. Anybody been there, done that?

Some photos from Huff Post - pretty dramatic to see. I'll just post a link (hopefully) so as not to clutter up the thread.
Yesterday was bad but today was okay for me until late this afternoon. Hazy and smells like a fire pit.It really depends on the wind if you get the smoke or not. It made my eyes burn.
burning eyes are no fun crazyheart. When I watch some of the TV footage on the wildfires in California, or the forest fires here ... it's crazy to see how dense the smoke can be sometimes.
yeah, i know aboot burning eyes

i used to really love campfires

they were really fascinating

long after everyone else was gone, i'd be there, looking at the campfire

so i know intimately the effects of dry corneas (i've actually seen the wrinkles)

glad i got over those explorations

though the smell of woodsmoke still is one of my favourite smells

it brings me back to the coasts of Cascadia...

that time i was rescued by a catholic priest when i was a tyke and alone @ the campsite i had burned myself, so this catholic priest took me, gave me some coke & ice in a thermos lid and waited till my parents came back. we delivered a healthy boygirl 9 months later

so yeah, fire

i remember driving back from a loooong cross merryca trip. it was late at night and we were so homesick

so we saw a sign and we drove up the panhandle of idaho, through the hills...and we noticed that the sky was...lit...from underneath...strange light...there were fires everywhere in the, eerie travel all the way to the border, which was a one woman shack in the middle of nowhere...

i wonder if anyone is going to deal with that massive polluter, the Smoking Hills in NWT? this is a toxic petrochemical fire that has been going on for EONS...i think its time that Canada (and environmentalists) got their act together and got rid of it...poor flora & fauna, so much cancer...
Yes, stay safe everyone! I was actually worried for a period of time I might have to go to the ER and I'm not that close!
The smoke here is really bad though. I was surprised when I saw an update at 1pm that listed it as a 4. Then I found out the detection takes time, so while the results were out at 1, it was from conditions hours ago. It went as high as a 7.

I hope everyone who is being evacuated was able to get everything they need and has a decent place to go.
@Carolla is the possibility of GP being evacuated a possibility, or are they too major of a centre - ie. not too much around them that could spread the fire that way.

I think if I was living there though, I would be evacuating myself! Way too much smoke up there I guess.
my nephew lives in GP, works on drilling rigs; your note @ChemGal reminded me to send him a note! He just texted back that he's okay - the air where he is "just looks smoggy with the smoke" - being from Toronto area originally, he's no stranger to smog!
Oops, I meant to ask my question about GP to @Northwind - are they likely to get evac notices due to fire?

Carolla, glad to hear your nephew is doing ok! It looked really overcast all day today, but apparently there are no clouds, it's all just smoke.
the evacuation is a ways from GP. Much closer to Grande Cache. (and on the other side of a substantial river which helps as a fire break) Our worst smoke day waas Sunday
ewww ChemGal -- i'm coughing in empathy (have a history of bronchitis & asthma & allergy-related pneumonia)

so what exactly is burning? isn't most of alberta just dirt n moss n lichen n stones n frozen tundra?
Thanks @GordW for the update - good to know you are safe.

I had to chuckle - my nephew sent a follow up message to me - "I didn't even know about the evacuation! I drove through that area last night!"
all those poor animals, with no medicine or health plan... :( animal mothers must be in such a state right do they deal with it?
Even the smoke in Saskatchewan is bothering me. I feel for all of you with breathing problems. Don't run out of ventalin or Advair.
Chemguy did an IV tonight. I think the smoke was the trigger this time - irritated throat which then led to swelling. My throat is still irritated, but it's a much more limited area now. I should be by an ER right now. I think leaving the house again is just going to lead to an asthma flareup or something though.