So after my sojourn in the realm of cosmic horror, I am now moving to another pulp staple: Sword & Sorcery. Though in the end, the story is more mythological fantasy, even if the hero is a muscle-bound master warrior in the vein of Conan the Barbarian. Jadek Prynn is his name, which is a weird name that has been stuck in my consciousness for eons so I finally decided what "Jadek Prynn" should be like and built a story on that. It's fairly short, maybe even a flash (1000 words or less). However, I am really just on the first draft and there's some stuff i wouldn't mind fleshing out a bit more so it might go past 1000 words eventually.
The other thing I am debating is how this connects to my other stories. I have name-checked Nethandra, The Goddess of one of my existing worlds (she appears briefly in my award-winning story The Goddess Dances, helping a lesser goddess) which would then put this into that world but I am not sure. It feels a bit gratuitous but would also open the door to the characters showing up in future stories. Jadek Prynn, in particular, is someone I would not mind using again though there's reasons I might not. But that could also be done by building a new world around him as Robert E. Howard more or less did with Conan.
Hopefully will get it done in the next few days. Of course, there's also the neverending debate over whether it does on StoriesSpace or somewhere else. Might look at some fantasy e-zines I have bookmarked to see if any are taking submissions.