Recent content by shortysar

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  1. shortysar

    What is the purpose of Sunday School?

    Hmm ... I'm hoping I'm able to post here today I was having some trouble yesterday! CH - thanks! Jae - I agree that 'entertainment' wasn't the best chose of words, as it minimizes the worship experience in general (and particularly that of children, which risks being held secondarily to those...
  2. shortysar

    What is the purpose of Sunday School?

    Going back to answer the OP - Sunday School, or at least how my team and I try to structure it, I think serves all of the purposes listed in the OP, although I might quibble with some of the language. No denying that it is partly a way of entertaining the kids so that parents can more fully...
  3. shortysar

    Under the Dome

    Hi Maye - yes "Under the Dome" by Stephen King.
  4. shortysar


    My two current fur babies are a pair of ten-year-old kitties, Calvin (brown, male) and Lita (grey, female). In my teens, I also had a dog named Holly. At different times I have also had a goldfish (Whoopi Goldfish), a hamster (Rarazz) and a gerbil (Spyro).
  5. shortysar

    Summer services

    Hi Beloved - I have my topics in mind but haven't set pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) in terms of actual sermon content yet lol. Hopefully this week I can start to generate some content so music, prayers etc. can flow from that. I do enjoy it - it's challenging, but in a good way, and it's...
  6. shortysar

    Summer services

    Our church shuts down the Sunday School and there's usually lower attendance; we don't have a choir. And our minister usually schedules her vacation for summertime, so there are a few weeks with subs leading worship (often members of the worship committee, or keen layity - I'm actually leading...
  7. shortysar

    How do you define 'family'

    I think I'm going to jump on board with CH's definition of family. When I refer to 'family', for simplicity's sake it probably fits the most broadly understood definition - parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles - 'titled' people somehow related by blood, marriage or adoption. But I also...
  8. shortysar

    Under the Dome

    I only saw an episode or two last summer before work and life happened and I lost track. Read the book this series is based on though and it was fantastic.
  9. shortysar

    The growing mess that is Iraq

    I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said, except remaining kind of gobsmacked that some of the most accomplished and powerful people in the US (and to a lesser extent, the world - the UK etc.) thought invading Iraq was a good idea in 2003. My (then-)boyfriend (now husband) and I...
  10. shortysar

    " A free and responsible search for truth and meaning"

    I think "free" and "responsible" can be summed up in the concept of "discernment" - I think it is our right, and perhaps even our responsibility at times, to search, to question, to explore. But for that exploration to yield the best fruit, it comes with certain responsibilities - to be open to...
  11. shortysar

    And God said it was good....

    I think that I agree with Mendalla that creation in itself is not so much 'good' or 'bad' - it just IS, and its goodness/badness lie in how we experience it. Hurricanes are not intrinsically bad or evil things - in fact, destructive phenomena serve a useful purpose in the natural world. However...
  12. shortysar

    Can a Good Friend become a Boyfriend????

    This is a toughie - I agree with John that if he's explicitly said he's not interested, that has to be respected above all things. I also see where an increased level of being in touch and his response to your seeing other people could send mixed messages, especially if communication isn't...
  13. shortysar


    Hi all! You might remember me as Olivet_Sar from WC.