Israel heating up again

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The issue, to my eyes, is for everyone to finally recognize that having a stateless people scattered all over the region is not going to help Israel one iota on peace and security.

I totally agree. I believe this may be time where the country of Palestine is resurrected.

I once read that the Israel/Palestinian conflict was like a microcosm of a much larger, macrocosmic conflict happening across the world. Solving the problems of the Middle East may solve the problems of finding peace for the whole world.
Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out… what he says will change everything you think you know about Israel!

gotta love gov't proceedings, all these masters of taking the piss

alas, the group of human beings that sombunall of humanity call Palestinians couldn't be reached, as they have no government, thus no transparency for us outsiders to watch...

and so it goes
Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out… what he says will change everything you think you know about Israel!

I'm just catching up on this thread ... interesting video UnDef - particularly the final segment about US police training in Israel - and eerily timely with regard to the current situation in Ferguson ...
Does being "pro peace" ever actually promote war?
I started to reply. My short answer is no. Those intent on war are intent on war but being pro-peace doesn't cause that. It might not stop it but it doesn't fuel it, IMO. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be pro-peace, either.

I am reminded...I remember reading about Mother Theresa saying when asked if she would join an anti-war rally, and she said, "No. I would join a pro-peace one, though."

Usually if not always war leads to more war.

It makes no sense to me that conflicts become wars. It shouldn't reach this point. Humans should know by now how not to solve conflict with violence.

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my friends are home ... I look forward to later discussions with them about their experiences in Israel this summer.

And today - apparently a peace accord ... we shall see ...
Does being "pro peace" ever actually promote war?
If you keep giving in to bullies in the name of peace, and eventually you have nothing left to give and they're more powerful than ever and have no intention of stopping...
Power said to Peace, there is only one way to obtain your hope; by resort to me. The great seduction.

Violence confronts me with taunts. Come ahead weakling. Take your best shot. The invitation intended to evoke a response adequate to provoke a reply. I was the school yard sissy who refused to strike the bullies who struck me.

Resort to violence admits the assertion that might is right. Only if we overpower the threatening power with force will that power be prevented from gaining dominion over us. To maintain peace we must take up arms. I wanted only to say take up war, but the intrusion of arms begs a question: "What industrial/technological sector now earns substantial return on investment?"

We had best watch carefully for the appearing of deep darkness dressed as light; the problem of resentment and the lived experience of Jews in history. Take even one of ours and we will take one hundred of yours. An eye for and eye measured by an unjust balance.

And our governments play their part with due diligence.

My advice to one as to all....

Submit to the changing of the time and the turning of the tide.
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Jews and Muslims have lived in peace for centuries. I knew Jews who were born in the middle east before there was an Israel. They blame the state of Israel for what has happened. They could blame us, too. Canada, the US and Britain denied entry to Jews in the 1930s, and kept that denial through the war and after. The whole idea of creating a "Jewish homeland" was to get the Jews out of our hair. So the west redrew the map to kick Palestinians out of their homeland and plant European Jews there.
Meanwhile, the Jews in escaping hatred and suppression all over Europe and the Americas became all the things they had suffered from in the West - they became racists, bigots, murderers of non-Jews. A strong possibility for the coming year is kicking all the Palestinans in Israel and in Palestine out of their homes and off their land, and create a greater Israel - for Jews only. It's ironic, but normal. Israel has become what Nazi Germany was.
Oh, interesting how we never hear of how Hitler also sent non-Jews to the death camps - and those, too, in very large numbers - something over three million. But we didn't give a country to their survivors. The gift of Palestine was, in fact, a getting-rid of Jews for the European countries. It had little to do with compassion.

And how come Canada, the U.S., and Latin America didn't give their lands back to their indigenous peoples? After all, we slaughtered them on a far, far greater scale than Hitler's holocaust. And, indeed, we were Hitler's models for the extermination of Jews.