Will you accept or reject the new governing principle of society?

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The interesting thing about all this talk of numbers is that we must remember that actual numbers are much less important than two things: some consistency in reporting numbers to various institutions and secondly, an understanding that what epidemiologists look for is not rates, but changes in rates. It seems clear that many will be infected with this, many with minimal intervention and long term effects. But what's equally clear is that fewer people survive, overall, if you don't "flatten the curve" of infection and make sure that hospitals aren't overwhelmed with critical cases. You do that by social interventions: shop when you need to, but observe some social cues (masks, sanitation, etc.) and don't shop when you don't need to. Furnace filters are critical, garden gnomes less so (although if you need a furnace filter, I'd argue you're justified in buying the gnome...)
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Premiered Apr 16, 2020

Think I'll give this one a look before I turn in for the nite ...

1st comment I noticed:

Bonnie Creighton

As a Registered Nurse with 41 years of experience I understand clearly that the only way to determine CAUSE OF DEATH is after a complete, scientific AUTOPSY, and with the decedent's complete medical history. To declare that 37,000 people are dead from a COVID-19 "virus" based on symptoms only, i.e., "fever, cough, short of breath, a "cloudy chest x-ray", a "positive" nasal swab....is not only negligent, but gross malpractice at best !!
So Dr. Rashid Buttar .... Pretty controversial figure. I had not heard of him till I found the video that I had posted before I watched it. No one needs to bother pointing that out to me ... I am myself looking into his 'practice' .... after watching the video even I find him a bit over the top ... still ... it appears that he has quite the 'following' ... I am not sorry I watched the video ... but I certainly would not recommend it for the 'faint of heart' or anyone that cannot tolerate considering more than one narrative. He is quite passionate about his 'position' and I am sure there are many that will be influenced by his take on things ... I am not sure at all that he is a positive influence ... sorry for posting before watching ... be aware that I am not promoting him as 'highly credible'... but he does in his own way bring up some interesting points that may be worth considering in the 'grand scheme' of what is playing out on the world stage.
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"Forward begins the new story." - Rita

I am embarrassed to have once again allowed myself to be caught in the not so novel virus of insanity snare.

I fully suspect that 'the powers that should not be' would be well pleased with my virtual participation in the wings as they make ready for the final cut with or without my editorial consent.

One thing I am sure of is that an insidiously unhealthy virus like dis-ease has been unleashed on society- no holds barred - and it is causing many of us humans being to become sickly and discombobulated.

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

It used to be pretty easy for me to accept that society was basically on the right track, that science was solving our problems, that modern medicine was conquering one disease after another and that we were 'actually' progressing.

Now it has become impossible for me to accept that we are creating a better story for humanity by insisting that we become subhuman in the name of preserving 'life' at all costs.

The pandemic has been hijacked to serve the sustainability agenda of the technocratic class that are pulling the strings of the center stage actors. That we are cheering for some - or booing against others - all is vanity.

Hitler had a dream and a strategy to get there - and lest we forget - get there he did - but he did not get there without the consent of the people. It was not by accident or a series of random events that he was allowed to become a dictator.

I do verily suspect that there is a technocratic class that has been waiting for this perfect storm to unleash their full practice of a dictatorship system like none the inhabitants of this globe have had the misfortune of experiencing in recorded human history.

Above and beyond the ashes of crony capitalist enterprise the technocrats are blatantly rising up.

That is not the kind of new world order I can consent to live by.

Trashing everything that resembles freedom of choice goes against every fiber of my very human nature.

I have a supreme compassion for all living beings ... I do not have a supreme compulsion to tear the true spirit of life out of any one of them.

I am not buying into the story plot of replacing the innate free spirit of humanity with an artificial security virtual platter of technique as served by order of the 'elite' technocratic over lords narrating this 'false script'.

I can not make myself be well-adjusted to this societal sickness.

I have tried and failed and will not continue going through the motions of complying with the explicit requirements as they are being laid out for me under duress of violent reprimand.

This is not to say that I have not myself been sickly ... the drunken promiscuity, the addictions, the more recent squandering of endless hours in front of video screens and such other mindless pursuits ... I have suffered through all of these symptoms.

The mental pain of living in a land of privilege while trying to ignore the deliberate oppression humiliation and degradation of lives outside of my margins of influence leaves me often bereft of the aim to live my earthly life at all.

So I try to make sense of it by investigating the source of the dis-ease. Following the money to the depths of despair.

I reach for this, I reach for that. I come up empty. I drive myself to fill up again with more distractions. I aspire to fake goals as substitutes for the true life purpose that I crave.

I procrastinate and self-sabotage ... these are my symptoms.

And now I have come to the realization that everything that I am doing is exactly what the screen writers of the story ending according to their agenda would expect and hope for me to do.

There is something wrong with the plot in this rapidly climaxing story. There is not something wrong with me for not wanting to continue the role of a staged hand towards a story ending with the total loss of humanity.

I understand that, immersed within this global pandemic story, to some there may be no obvious alternative to the 'medical tyranny' that has effectively disabled our freedom to thrive as a means to an end of mere survival.

I am not qualified to pass judgment on whether or not this is universally a bad thing.

However, I can judge for myself that this is not the story I want to spend the rest of my life adjusting future generations to.

How do I get out of this stage of this world story?

Spinning my wheels to no end trying to figure out WHO is to blame is not the best way forward I am sure you will all agree.

I can not justify doing this any more.

My story line has got to change and I am the one that I have been waiting for to change it.

If I am to actually become busy being the change I want to see in the world, you will not be reading posts from me here anytime soon.

That will be a good thing ... (feel free to applaud)

Wish me well as I try once again to re-wild myself.

Take care fellow travelers.

Keep on keeping on.

As I endeavor to change my story I remain in the experience of being, Rita.
Thus motive intelligence moves on ... another lost soul in a sea of emotions ... its a dark place! Rest well ... in that hole a well tended spot? Where thoughts go able a go at life ... thinking not allowed!
It used to be pretty easy for me to accept that society was basically on the right track, that science was solving our problems, that modern medicine was conquering one disease after another and that we were 'actually' progressing.
More than thirty years ago I was handcuffed by the Winnipeg police and dragged from the public square. This because I was holding up a small square of paper. On that paper I had printed these words: “The Police State is Coming!” The actions of the police seemed to verify the proposition represented in my symbolic action. This rooted in my life long inquiry into prophetic narratives.

Our society is very sick. Carl Jung warned us of rising mass neurosis following suppression of truth. For my whole life I have seen things as they are. This has involved a turning away from the seductions of production and consumption.

As I draw nearer to my true human being I become more of a social outsider. I am also beginning to speak a new language. It employs common vocabulary with no concern for objectivity. It is close to poetry and far from prose.

The centre of my language is being itself. This being is what I would like to make known. Sad to say, the majority of persons have no interest in understanding what I am saying. This because their focus is on what appears in the material realm.

We are all of us together on the wrong track. Progress is leading us out of the natural order and into the artificial order. Out of God’s way and into the way of power. Our present crisis has us at a crossroad of decision. Either we will change our priorities and commitments or we will persist in our quest for mastery of nature and perish.
This post from six years ago is consistent with what I am saying now and will continue to say until I am silenced:

In the sixth grade I wondered why it seemed necessary to confine students by routines of conformity. Born Friesian my heart was, and continues to be, wholly grounded in and oriented to freedom. I resisted. I was punished, labelled and sent on my way.

I continually wonder why the mythology of progress continues to hold sway in popular imagination. We see a smoker and we warn against the habit and its consequence. But dare warn against enlightened human being driving itself and its environment to the brink of irreversible consequence for the sake of power and profit.

I wonder how different our civilization is from any of the civilizations risen and fallen along the historic way? Are we to imagine ourselves immune to the effect of our action on our context? Where they perished under the sign of hubris, may we expect to prosper?
This post from six years ago is consistent with what I am saying now and will continue to say until I am silenced:

In the sixth grade I wondered why it seemed necessary to confine students by routines of conformity. Born Friesian my heart was, and continues to be, wholly grounded in and oriented to freedom. I resisted. I was punished, labelled and sent on my way.

I continually wonder why the mythology of progress continues to hold sway in popular imagination. We see a smoker and we warn against the habit and its consequence. But dare warn against enlightened human being driving itself and its environment to the brink of irreversible consequence for the sake of power and profit.

I wonder how different our civilization is from any of the civilizations risen and fallen along the historic way? Are we to imagine ourselves immune to the effect of our action on our context? Where they perished under the sign of hubris, may we expect to prosper?

There are means and mediums ... but it appears they are interim ... as might be temporal balances ... Ba'aL beams that are jet black? Thus dark webbings we string but are rarely observed incarnations! We rush to the ends to make room for something improved and carefully learned ... hated by stoics for what the lucas and logos assimilated ... the accrued sense of integral humble ideals as gods? Idea value systems are lost due to excess temptations ... the ad world!