Room For All

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A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

Good morning, all! We think about the geography of Canada, and the vast scale it's laid out on. It always intrigued me, that the 5 Great Lakes touch on no fewer that 8 states, but touch only 1 Province. Anyway, the coffee cart is up and running, help yourself, and have a wonderful day.

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Just consider Europe. You could pack several of the smaller countries there into just Ontario. If countries were the size of the ones in Europe, imagine how many there would be in North America. Instead, there's just three huge ones.

Good morning, I'll put the kettle on for the tea crowd. I am drinking Cream of Earl Grey (from David's) today.

Off work for a day. Nothing special, just burning some vacation that expires end of this month.
Mean Scotts used these days to get away from the Hob and put something into golfing ... a wholly game as some folk get really upset by missing holes ...

If sentient you can write a sentence to expand on the contrivance ... that too is part of a large unknown sea of icons ... just for symbolists!

Then there are alternate patches ...
Good morning all! Puttering days are, indeed, good to have once in awhile. But even such days are made better with hot, caffeinated beverages. The coffee cart is ready. Coffee fresh-perked, water for tea, etc. hot. Come and get it.

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Good morning. Puttering may be in our near future. They're forecasting a big storm on the island. We're on the east side of the island so will likely sheltered from the winds that are expected to come from the southwest direction
Shopping and flu shot this morning.

Not sure about this afternoon. Do a run on my exercise bike probably but not sure otherwise.

It's grey and kind of blah here but not raining much. Just some drizzle when I was out.
Good morning, all! Flu shot season is upon us, as well as the shortening of daylight, and the approach of winter. Let us gather round the coffee cart, for hot beverages and conversation, mutual support and conversation. All is ready.

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Good morning again, all! The discussion on Pronoun use is rather interesting. Let us ponderthem, and relax around the coffee cart. Tea water is hot, coffee fresh. Help yourself.

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In the pro and con of the discussion ... if their are nouns for ... are those conflicting con nouns or Conan's?

Imagine the collective unknowns that are contained unconsciously in the collective mind as it integrates from the scattered antisocial portions that may be called autonomous ... and virtually isolated thoughts!

And it was said in archeology that many will not know much ... thus it went due to lack of gathering (for a good listen)! Especially about strange and alien passions ... these may echo or bounce in a kangaroo court ... purse-EH?
More rain. I mean, it's better than snow but still, enough is enough.

Was feeling kind of tired and blah yesterday. Wondering if it was the flu shot on Saturday. Certainly came suspiciously close to it. I don't usually have issues with vaccines beyond soreness in the arm where I get the shot so this would be a first. Still, better than being laid up for a week with the flu and dealing with my usual post-flu/cold sinus problems.

Brought a can of Kenya Tinderet for the cart. New (to me) looseleaf from David's I tried and quite like.
Greetings and felicities! While we were sleeping, Tuesday happened. Let us greet the say with tea, coffee or the beverage of your choice. The cart is ready, enjoy.

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It is perplexus personification as the powers do not wish the demos stimulated ... thus stimulatii and they are nailed down by uncertainty (primarily fear and anger) as applied by monsters like Facebook who wish to control ... what?

This came up earlier albeit the power wish nothing of lower nature to rise again ...

Thus the unseen caldron foments! There is a verse that addresses this as what does it profit a man ... if the profit disposes of all rationale ... that's sol!

Few grasp for such fe* items of curiosity ...

And an individual as automaton may ask why those people are so overstimulated? Alien agitation ... for we can't be sentient about that from here ...

Could be terribly enigmatic ... especially for those previously overstimulated by what was unseen ... the vast unknown essence?

As in the definition of apoplexis ... I am w/o word(s)! I an told it is a kind of insanity ... being blind, numb and silent ... when so much isn't right .... and yet the right is not cognizant ...

Could be radicalism! Thus sentient alchemy or responsible reaction! Politics are generally not that responsible ... given the executive privileges' to toss it off ... piling us wasted time ... a dense monument! Resembles a Higgs ...

NB: Humus ... discharge from mules and other automatons ... Nosh Ide?
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Good morning! As the sun begins to rise, let us be ready to greet the day with hot beverages. And, since it comes up in most parts of the country in a few weeks, let us know what you think of Daylight Savings Time. Enjoy.

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Urrg, the wind has blown open my door last night and the indoor cat got out. Thankfully, that Temptation ad is really true and shaking the treats into her fidget puzzle and calling got her back in. But- a taste of the great freedom and she annoyed me all night, literally, with complaining sounds and walking over me until 3 am.
Back home from work and she is starting all over….
It’s not going to happen, kitty.
Many years ago we were a three cat family. We wanted them all to be indoor cats but one insisted on going out. She would put herself in strategic locations so she could take a run at the door when it opened.

Finally we decided to let her be an outdoor cat. The other two were not interested at all in the outside world.
My kitty isn't an "outdoor cat", but does spend a little time outside in the summer. My screen door to the back yard in on a spring hinge, so dog and cat can both get themselves out, anyway, and sometimes in. The fences are high and secure, and the cat is very fat, so there's no squeezing or leaping really possible. So, in nice weather (because the door proper is shut 3 seasons a year, pretty well), she occasionally has a little solo adventure in the backyard. Fortunately, she's now too old and fat to catch chipmunks to release into the house...
Our outdoor cat once disappeared for almost two weeks. She showed up again and was waiting for us one day when we got home from work. She was fine. Not even especially hungry.