RIP Geofee

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Stationary nomad.
George was a valued member of this community for some time. We learned of his poor health a while ago.

RIP George.

Rita posted this on Cruxifusion:

"I was ordained by the United Church of Canada as a "maverick". A maverick being a cow that does not follow the herd. During the discernment process I made no effort to hide my critical posture concerning the policy and practice of the UCC.

I have been consistent in my assertion that the UCC, along with much of Christendom, is way off track concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are wholly accommodated to the practice of liberal democracy under the jurisdiction of capital interest. It is for this reason that we have become, for the most part, irrelevant to the lived experience of the nation and its peoples.

There are exceptions of course. These being persons and associations of persons with heart, mind, and strength focused on the inclusion of all in the social economy and the healing of God’s creation.

My question to the UCC has been and continues to be, "Do you want to hear from your prophets?"

So far no response.

We are on the threshold of great opportunity. The key consists in repentance. This not being a religious act but a personal determination to reconsider priority and commitment. That repentance makes possible access to the kingdom of heaven which is at hand. As a reader of philosophy I take "at hand" to mean available for appropriation.

The matter of choosing the way of Jesus in resistance to the way of the world.
Jesus accommodated to the way of the world is effectively anti-Jesus.

I have chosen to follow a voice calling from the future: "Follow me!"

"Multitudes in the valley of decision!"
George (March 29 1950 - February 1 2023)
George was an insistent prophetic voice here and in the UCCan. A gadfly at times, but those are sometimes necessary, even if not always appreciated. He supported this site in so many ways, as a donor, moderator, and regular poster. Sad to see him gone. RIP, George.
Thank you Northwind for sharing this news with us. I always enjoyed & often was challenged by GeoFee's posts & often watched his videos. I was sad to hear of his diagnosis when he told us about it some time ago, and I understood his decision to face it with grace & acceptance. Sending love to any of the family who may also be reading here.
I passed on my message to Rita

Strength and Courage, like my sweetie said over the phone when she was the 1st time in the hospital

George is a wonderful bright light
Someone who walked the talk
Had what Nutmeg would call Fixed Principles
And I enjoyed riffing with him
And even got into some arguments
Ah the spice of life!
Life is worth it
I can imagine him riding a flatbottomed boat, peering down at the many treasures buried in the Frisian muck :3

As he expounded and dug up with words
And moved with action
I will always remember his red nose
And what a fool that Parliament was
Even when Power is challenged in such a minor way
Radical acceptance
Radical openness
That family is great :3
Sorry to hear. I liked his grass roots approach and his concern for the unhoused and vulnerable....and I wish he and I had met. We could have smoked a joint together. :giggle:
Yeah, I would have loved to have met George, as well. Don't know why I didn't attempt it on my trip across Canada a few years back.

And yes, I think "herb" would have been involved, LOL.
That would be a three day drive for me, so a hard no on that one. I too hope it will be available livestreamed or on Youtube.
I got in contact with Amanda a Office Administrator at the Big Red Church and she is finding out. When I find out I will post ir here.
ALS bites the big time. Lost a lovely old friend of mine in the fall to it. Only in her mid-60s. Rapid decline. She was lucky enough to meet a couple of goals - went to one child's wedding in Ireland, met a first grandchild, then chose MAID.
I am sorry to read of George's death. I often had to ponder his posts, reflect on where they took me. He challenged in a good way. He truly was a believer in the gospel and the call to do justice.

My memory of him is with his big red nose, but, also playing his guitar. I looked for a video with him playing but can't find one. Maybe I am not remembering.

One of the folks who I would have loved to have a cup of tea with.



Some George playin Guitar (there is more of George at that channel. Explore!)

Ok. Amanda sent me to a Funeral home and Kristen told me a member of the family will be recording the event then putting it up on the church web site.

just got off a long and what a call with Rita. What a marvelous family :3

There is no fifth. What do you think this is, USA? :3