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Final edits made on my book...I'll do a final read-through and hopefully (fingers crossed) I can send for printing tomorrow! o_O :eek: o_O :eek:
ugh :p I feel like curling up into a ball with the covers over my head :( Don't think the smoke in the air is helping
Can i join y... oh, probably not appropriate. Kisser might not like it. :whistle: But I am definitely off my game today. Had a horrific nightmare last night that left me in a panic and I lost two hours sleep. Basically, I woke up at two after dreaming that a person, or monster, or monstrous person, had rushed into the room and attacked me.
Can i join y... oh, probably not appropriate. Kisser might not like it. :whistle: But I am definitely off my game today. Had a horrific nightmare last night that left me in a panic and I lost two hours sleep. Basically, I woke up at two after dreaming that a person, or monster, or monstrous person, had rushed into the room and attacked me.
:) Yep, he might object. Those kind of dreams sure aren't fun to have and can sure wreak havoc on your day - why do we always remember the nightmares and not the good dreams? The good was only a dream ;)
I'd say play my album to help you but it's not out yet :)
I have been listening to the Austrian symphonic metal band Visions of Atlantis. Their current lead singer has one of the most beautiful voices in my current stable of favorites. Opera-trained French soprano.
I might (fingers crossed) have somewhere to take the 3 dressers if the local auction place won't take them (they said wait till Sept as they were full)...I might get the dressers out of the house before the end of the month!!!!!!!
Aaaaahhhhhh…expected arrival of the CDs was Oct 7th…now they got back to me and they aren’t expected to ship till Oct 10th
if that’s the case I won’t have them by the 23rd...inhale.............exhale............................................inhale......exhale............................................
Blender arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's BIGGER than the one that I'm getting replaced (which I thought was a bit too big) but looks like it might be easier to use
Blender arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's BIGGER than the one that I'm getting replaced (which I thought was a bit too big) but looks like it might be easier to use
Well, it better be easier to use because in "this day and age" there is no manual included and you have to go online but when I do, it won't "recognize" my model (even though I could buy one online from the site!) so I can't access any usage info :p