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This is starting to feel ridiculous. Why are libraries 'forbidden zones' while swimming pools are opening? Why is camping considered dangerous while churches can hold gatherings?
Here, libraries could have opened before indoor swimming pools, although the libraries here haven't, they are doing curbside now, not sure when it started. My understanding about churches was they weren't considered less dangerous than camping moreso than a big need for some and I think too they knew some groups would just go ahead anyway. I highly suspect the idea there was let's put out clear guidelines as it's probably safer to work with the groups then flat out say it's not allowed.

I agree though, some things there is little logic. Our community lake last I looked still hasn't opened up the bbq pits. I think the reasoning there is lack of trust of non-cohorts to not share food but I don't see why that's such a concern considering the other things that are available.
I guess we all decide our own guidelines while bearing in mind the 'rules'. Personally I won't be going out in any crowds, or to shared spaces like pools. I would happily go to a Provincial Park to picnic and swim (we always use the less popular lakes that are quite isolated). The visiting we have enjoyed has all been outside and distanced (family and close neighbours who are super careful about their contacts). However, we have both been to the doctor's office and the hospital within the past few weeks. The visits required an actual meeting but many appointments are happening via phone calls.
Yeah, why have we (the grocery store) suspended "cash back" but continued to accept cash? Logic?
Cash back? As in asking for more money back on top of the change?
It's been a long time since I've done that (like over a decade) and haven't noticed others do it either. I didn't know stores even still offered that prior to this.
There's quite a few things that vary subtly from province to province. Saves customers/consumers money in bank fees, doesn't cost us anything to offer.
It's almost too easy if you think about it. A long, hard part that you blow with a bag attached. ;) Not sure how the drones fit in, though.:unsure:o_O