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The morning sun is bright
After the darkness of the night
And people start to rise
Wiping the sleep out of their eyes
When the ape gives his horn a blast
And loudly roars out, "I am LAST!!!!"
Nice. I give it a 78. It has a good beat and it’s easy to dance to.

Or 76 and room for brassy Ðrom Bones? (Ð is an old Roman eth; somethings referred to as Latin and disliked by a portion) Imagine beating on the bones of those past, sans, or now without ... there! Beneath the rainbow? One way or the other people defy the Light ... therefore shadowy images ... these may stretch and shorten! Depends on the Dais ... more than that we cannot say ... ineffable! Word plaes ...
Third straight day of nice spring weather here. Might also be the LAST if the forecast holds.
No rain...odd snowflake...wind feels glacial

On the phone a l-o-n-g time with Telus as my cell phone bill was higher than it should have been...seems I will need to upgrade from my basic phone at some point but the tech agreed that my current phone and plan are more economical right now (even with the increased fee because I'm on 3G network) than upgrading right away