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Mrs. anteater, it seems that you are prepared. I hope that you are riding out the storm without too much hassle.
Carola, I'm thinking that you perhaps that is your tour Nova Scotia and were headed home before the storm hit. I can't imagine enjoying a vacation during a hurricane. I just hope that nobody plans to watch it from the rocks off Peggy's Cove – it's happened before with the predicted unfortunate results,
in Fredericton today we are having a steady rain, everything from drizzle to downpour. Winds are expected to get 27 km³ early this evening – not much to worry about. I guess the storm is going south of us.

But it feels like fall - the temperaturethe temp is not expected to go above 20 all week. No more shorts and sandals. We had a late spring; now it seems that early fall is upon us.
Despite fall coming early this year, I generally enjoy September. Things are getting back to normal. Worship is with our own congregation (after shared summer services). Committees are scheduling metings. Bowling starts next week. Book club and square dance will start soon. New season in our lives.
“Praying “that my new built fence will hold up. Preparing for power outages, though in my area, I haven’t had any longer than 4-6 hours ever, because I am on the same grid as the business district. I am on town water, so there will be water all the time. Otherwise, people fill their bathtubs. It also helps to have rain barrels. I got cans of stuff, cookies, bread and cheese. I live in civilization, so its not that bad. We have had storms with 120 km/ hr before no boarding up required.
Having a full tank of gas and cash helps when there is no power to take credit cards. Also, last time we had a longer power outage, only certain gas stations were able to function. I was told that the superstore was out of milk two evenings ago. I returned all the lumber that wasn’t used for the fence and could fly off. Moved my neighbours flower pots under their deck.
They have announced/ suggested that people living at the shore evacuate voluntarily, due to the threat of high waves ( 15 meters).
We know you have a picture of the fence, if needed for insurance purposes.
Hopefully just a lot of wet and wind and no real damage.
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone in the east is well and that fences and roofs are still intact. I've had my coffee and am now pondering my day. We will likely go to a local farmers market to pick up a few things. My energy is returning after my last treatment. I will probably use it to do some tidying around here. We have been in this "house" for a year now. There is some reorganizing that wants done. I imagine there will be some purging as well. That will be easier after a year of not seeing certain items.

Happy Sunday all.
Lost power yesterday at 1 pm and just got it back (26 hrs). Still lots of people without power, it was 340 000 at the peak. Sun is shining and now I could get the laundry out of the washer and hang it outside.
Fence bend severely in two places but neighbour braced it. Foundation at the posts is washed away in some places.
Chatted with all the immediate neighbours this morning and got a cup of coffee from the one across the street who was using a car starter battery pack to run his coffee maker ( I need one of those).
Glad to see you posting Luce. I hope all is well in your world and that dark is your biggest problem.
Hi Friends! On Friday we drove from Wolfville to Lunenburg where we stayed in a really solidly built B&B with a lovely older man hosting us. It was high on the hill - so windy but no flood worries. We squeezed all our sightseeing into Friday, knowing the storm was approaching. And approach it did! Winds and rain increased throughout the day on Saturday - it was pretty amazing to experience. We heard today on the radio that there was 6" of rain & winds of 100 - 120km/hr in Lunenburg. Power flickered many times and finally went out for good around 5:30 - while we were watching the tennis match! Wondered all night how Bianca did!! So it was early to bed, listening to the wind howl, the tree branches slapping against the roof. Power still off this morning - perhaps not on til Monday night. Our host had other guests booked - so we had to move on. We called our next hosts near Digby - they also had no power and likely for a while. Road passage in their rural area was uncertain. So ... we did what any good Canadian would do ... we drove to the nearest Tim Horton's with power! The line was out the door and around the corner - but the WIFI was working & coffee was hot! Checked the power outage maps - figured out what direction might be best to go to find some accomodation of some sort for a night or two. We ended up in a GREAT cottage right on the shore of St. Margaret's Bay. Got a price break too (thank goodness!). So we will be here for two nights & then off to Digby and back onto our planned itinerary.
Fence bend severely in two places but neighbour braced it. Foundation at the posts is washed away in some places.
Ooooo - sad to hear that - too much force too soon I guess. Hopefully repairs will be successful. And I'm glad you got COFFEE!! I saw that the town centre had power but nobody around it!
Slept for quite a while this evening, need to do my meds, haven't actually made it downstairs although sitting up later and later isn't going to help. Typing that out motivated me, I can ramble now guilt-free while I swirl my vial on occasion.

I am still recovering from the stupid cold. Not feeling sick from it anymore but my energy - ugh. I feel like I can manage things and then I do 1 think and feel wiped out after. My face also decided to get covered in eczema or something one day and while that passed quickly I feel like no amount of moisturizing is enough until I grow a new layer of skin. Eyelids are the most annoying.

Lots of thoughts about some crap going on with Chemguy's family - wish I could write it all out here, but I don't feel like it's appropriate. My mood is just tanked right now - but exhaustion & probably really needing my medication today instead of pushing it off to the day 3 are probably factors. Chemguy's Mom's birthday is this weekend. My great aunt's memorial service was over a week ago, but I was just hearing about it as I decided not to go so was catching up with a long phone call with my Mom. Had to cut that short as Chemguy came up, looking pissed off. His Dad got a phone call informing him his brother died - not true and a bunch of manipulation following that happened. Helped Chemguy deal with that although there are still concerns about his Dad. There was more follow up today. I feel crappy with this kind of stuff, I can offer suggestions to Chemguy but it's not really my place to go further than that (although if he were unavailable I would have taken a more active roll).

Just feeling exhausted tonight with the 3 deaths relatively close together plus all of my grandparents really can't be expected to live for another 10 years or something. No acute issues, although they all have declines in different ways. My aunt's passing was the most expected out of all of them, and so was easier to handle but there was an offer to have messages or stories for the officiant to read and when I did that ~ 2 weeks ago it felt fairly mentally draining beyond what that task was itself, plus then there was writing the email to my other great aunt who was collecting them who I worry about how she is handling all this too. Last thing any of us needed right now was crap from relatives.

Really thinking now about staying put this weekend. I was really considering going down with Chemguy, spend time with my parents, spend a bit of time out at dinner or something with his family. Now though, I just feel like that's adding onto Chemguy's tasks. Our parents do not live close to each other, so taking one vehicle means back and forth for him, plus the locations would mean backtracking for him - my parents are further away, so for him to drop me off means he has to backtrack to the opposite end of the city.
Wow @ChemGal that's a lot for you. Sending a hug. Your body seems to be telling you to take it easy and sleep. How does chemguy about you staying home? Would he want your support? How would you feel about staying back? I hope you went to bed after posting this and that you got a restorative sleep.

Feel better soon friend.
What a load Chemgal. I got tired just reading it! Wish there was something I could do that would actually help. The only thing I can come up with is a gentle hug.
Staying put sounds like a good idea Chemgal. Life sure does dish out some nasties sometimes.

On a different note, my husband and I went blueberry picking yesterday....first time we've done this in September. We got about 12 litres and will give some away, as we did when we picked 30 litres in August. It was a perfect picking day...warm enough, no bugs, the plants had changed colour and died down so it was easy to see and pick the very blue berries. Today's rain probably washed them all off the plants, so our timing was perfect.
We enjoyed an apple and blueberry strudel yesterday!

Also have awesome blueberry muffins in the freezer. They are waiting for our next picnic.
Mmmmmm, blueberry muffins. Mom used to make those a lot in summer. Blueberry pie with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream was another family favorite.

I am debating whether I am getting over my cold or if it is developing into a sinus thing. It is basically over, but I've been feeling a bit of pressure and irritation below my eyes, which is not a good sign for someone like me who is prone to sinus trouble.
There is so much wisdom in Mary Oliver's writing. One of my "scriptures". That's a new one on me, though. Must see where it came from.