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Good morning! A rather soggy and dreary holiday Monday in these parts. However it is no match for a sunny disposition. So if we can somehow catch hold of one of those, we're good. To assist in that project, the beverage cart is ready.

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They played a song on the radio this morning. Dave Gunning dedicated this one for NS after the shooting.
No matter what the weather is, we can use a little pickup.
Mind-blowing statistic of the day: Mick Jagger has a three year-old. That means his youngest child is younger than his great-granddaughter.o_O The stones keep a rolling, I guess.

Sad to hear about the Snowbird's loss. Love watching them in flight. The investigation will be interesting. Those CT-114s are antiques by aviation standards, with the first order placed in 1961. They were replaced as our mainline jet trainers 20 years ago so why is our premier aerobatic squadron still flying them?
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An interesting comment about Sunday drivers - upriver there is a long historic covered bridge. A tourist attraction well over a century old. Over the entrance is a sign reading
'Fine for anyone going faster than a walk.'
The town built-up on both sides of the river and, although the TCH is just upriver, many of the townspeople use the conveniently located downtown bridge. You can imagine their frustration when tourists took this sign literally. Despite its historic value, The town recently decided to take the sign down. I think it is now in a little museum near the north end of the bridge.
It took me a bit to understand the sign. I read it at first as it's ok for anyone going faster than a walk. Didn't see make sense in the scope of your comments.

Then I got it. Fine as in penalty.
Good morning! Now that 'Summer' has informally begun, let us salute the new season with warm beverages.

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I was told today that my phototherapy clinic is now requesting that we wear a mask if we can get them.
Not thrilled about this for a few reasons. Today, the way I saw people wearing masks was not good at all, lots of touching them.
I have to take my mask off for treatment (and then put it back on). The hand sanitizer they have currently is scented, they don't have any in the treatment room, nor a sink to wash hands, where do I set the mask down safely to put it back on again (I'll probably bring a container, there are hooks too, but if those aren't cleaned between people ...
I also find a mirror is helpful for putting on a mask which the room doesn't have. I might request they put some in, even those meant to go in lockers would be useful.
For now I feel relatively safe due to the numbers in the city, but with more things opening up I expect numbers to increase over time.
I was told today that my phototherapy clinic is now requesting that we wear a mask if we can get them.
Not thrilled about this for a few reasons. Today, the way I saw people wearing masks was not good at all, lots of touching them.
I have to take my mask off for treatment (and then put it back on). The hand sanitizer they have currently is scented, they don't have any in the treatment room, nor a sink to wash hands, where do I set the mask down safely to put it back on again (I'll probably bring a container, there are hooks too, but if those aren't cleaned between people ...
I also find a mirror is helpful for putting on a mask which the room doesn't have. I might request they put some in, even those meant to go in lockers would be useful.
For now I feel relatively safe due to the numbers in the city, but with more things opening up I expect numbers to increase over time.
I usually have a mini bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket. After all, one touches things all the time when out, door handles, items in the store, money. If you are sensitive to certain ones, better bring your own.
At work, we keep our masks in brown paper bags when we take them off for lunch. You fold them over, with the outside in ( the long sides touching Each other).
I usually have a mini bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket. After all, one touches things all the time when out, door handles, items in the store, money. If you are sensitive to certain ones, better bring your own.
At work, we keep our masks in brown paper bags when we take them off for lunch. You fold them over, with the outside in ( the long sides touching Each other).
Yes, I've always carried some. There's the population risk though too. Having people touch a mask (potential high viral load if sick), then door handle, and then touch a mask again - hand sanitizer should be provided IMO and one that's scent free as this is a dermatology office where people are going for regular treatment, so high degree of sensitivity I would think. It also would mean going through mine own at a fair fast rate if they don't provide it, they request we use it when we arrive - so do we skip using it again before taking off our mask? (I assume after touching the treatment room door). I wouldn't want to skip, as I bring my purse into the room with me and at this point I consider my googles and hair up supplies to be contaminated. Then there's the door handle to the lamp cylinders - assume that would be touched after the mask, as there is no place to set it down inside the unit. I certainly want to use it before I put my mask on again. I also use it once in my car, I do engine (dirty keys), seatbelt, hand sanitizer before touching wheel, radio, lights, etc. So minimum of 3 times per appointment and possibly 4 times. I currently just do 2x.

Good to hear about the paper bags. I was considering taking a reuseable container, and placing it outside down into there, I'll check out what medical guidance is out there and if doing it the other way is preferable.
I'm surprised the hand sanitizer at a medical clinic is scented. That's bad manners. I also hadn't thought through the mask to doorknob to mask contamination. :unsure: :( I'm not a big fan of masks, partly for that reason. I am thinking of making a couple just in case I need them though.
Looks good right through the weekend in London at the moment.

I think a walk or bike ride will be in order this evening.
Good morning, all! The hot beverages cart is ready and waiting. You'll have to take the masks off for a few minutes, however, to indulge.

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I'm setting out a few nice socially distanced chairs in the glorious sunshine - come bask a while friends - but remember your sunscreen & hat!
Greetings. I'm not sure what weather we'll get today. Still, the tea is awesome and the company wonderful.

I had a good follow-up telephone appointment with my surgeon this morning. He called promptly at the allotted time and we had a good chat. I was able to ask some questions and he answered them well. I now know where to go to get more info. He was also able to clear up some weirdness that showed up on the pathology report. It was nice to have a focused chat with him. He's an excellent communicator and well respected. I've been in good hands with him.
I'm surprised the hand sanitizer at a medical clinic is scented. That's bad manners. I also hadn't thought through the mask to doorknob to mask contamination. :unsure: :( I'm not a big fan of masks, partly for that reason. I am thinking of making a couple just in case I need them though.
Originally it wasn't, I think it's just what they could access.
As for the mask thing, if someone is sick with any contagious respiratory illness I feel like a mask is going to be extremely contaminated, like kissing them would be better than touching their mask (without being able to wash hands before say eating, touching one's mouth, etc.). When I see people touching masks in public I literally cringe.
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