Winter knitting

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Greywolf, I used graph paper and a pattern, I liked , for a man's sweater. My son wanted The Union Jack

across the front. He wore it out . People stopped him to see where he bought it. You can do it.
phew! My second "Lacy Zaggs" section of the MKAL shawl is done!! Just had one night of ripping stuff out ... then onto better concentration on task with success. Listened to some interesting podcasts today while knitting along - but that's enough for now!!

How is your shawl coming along Northwind??
I got through the second Lacy Zaggs without any incident or swearing. I paid more attention and got through it easily. I suspect having a "trial run" with the first Lacy Zaggs section helped. I am just about to do the second row of eyelets in the eyelet section following the Lacy Zaggs. I am enjoying this
I am round knitting myself a hat with yarn that is mostly alpaca. I started it up (and down) the mountain on a bus with a school class going cross country skiing. The kids were fascinated.
Anyhow I ran out of the yarn and just picked up a second ball today-the last they had in the lilac.
I should be done today. I tried to upload a photo and it isn't letting me I've posted a picture to FB.
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It works this way
VERY pretty colour combo - love it! I'm on the home stretch now ... mine is a very long shawl ... I may have to adopt a sister so we can both wrap up in it!! I will see if I can do a photo to show you my colours.

Northwind - do you use wires for blocking? I have not so far ...
I got some wires on one of our trips to Edmonton. I'll use them for this. I'm really happy with the colours. The yarn is by Polka Dot Creek in Alberta. They put together some trios for this project.
DONE!! Blocked & drying ... looks good, if I do say so myself! :cool: Definitely the biggest shawl I've ever made. Enjoyed the Mystery Knit Along - learned some new things and knit some pattern I would likely have overlooked had I seen it ahead of time. Thank you Northwind for telling me about the MKAL.
Mine is also blocked and drying. I enjoyed doing the MKAL with you Carolla. Wear your shawl in good health.

I'm now working on pair of socks that need to be done for next weekend, Presbytery. I knit socks to donate for M&S. Someone bought these in September for this Presbytery.
Not the best photos - taken with my phone. And now that I'm using Windows 10 on my computer, my old favourite photo editor (MS Gallery) doesn't work & I really don't like its replacement. Will have to search out a new option for that I guess, now that my knitting is done!

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