Someone suggested a joke thread............................

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Glad you squared that off with certain circles of influence ... these would reduce the electorate to make powerful processes more efficient as laying there ... chicken-egg questions?

Irresolvable??? Of course as intended by one train of thought ... a wreck?
ME: "I think I might have ADHD because I keep forgetting where I parked my Ford.

THERAPIST: "That's not how ADHD works".

ME: "...But I'm always losing my Focus!"

That's how the dark hole grows where we might resurrect remnants of the past as archaic schemes ... like the Iron Road!
A mother skunk once gave birth to identical twin baby skunks. In a moment of whimsey, she named them 'In' and 'Out.' Someone asked her how she could tell them apart? "Simple," she replied, "In stinks."
I phoned my wife earlier and asked her if she wanted me to pick up fish and chips on my way home from work, but she just grunted at me.

I think she still regrets letting me name the twins.
Q. Why was the ape reading the Bible and Darwin's Origin of Species?

A. He wanted to figure out if he was his brother's keeper or his keeper's brother.
Ape approves.

happy monkey GIF