Resolutions. January plans

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God god the things we don't know or unknown IDe-L-isms ... enough to stupefy the autonomous !

Could this cause dizzying when dropping off into the land of pipe dreams?
Living with Parkinsons is my overall goal.
Specifics include:
-- facilitating an opportunity for a dozen disadvantaged people to cook a mac 'n cheese casserole from scratch sometime in January (as part of my volunteering with my church outreach program
-- helping my church to become officially Affirming this year
-- maintaining a relationship with my grandchildren as one becomes an adult and the other a teenager (certainly our relationships will be changing)
-- maintaining or bettering my bowling average.
I can get behind the idea of planning for January. Part resolution, part doctor's orders:
- increase fibre by snacking on more fruit and veggies during the day
- increase fitness by climbing the 12 flights of stairs in my office building every weekday

Not off to a great start since I left my running shoes at home after having taken them from my desk over the holidays.
Similarly, I've switched from white buns to whole wheat on all my bacon double-cheeseburgers.

Considering the actual difference in dietary fibre between white and "whole wheat" flour in our food desert (none), if it bothers you at all, I wouldn't bother.
Living with Parkinsons is my overall goal.
Specifics include:
-- facilitating an opportunity for a dozen disadvantaged people to cook a mac 'n cheese casserole from scratch sometime in January (as part of my volunteering with my church outreach program
-- helping my church to become officially Affirming this year
-- maintaining a relationship with my grandchildren as one becomes an adult and the other a teenager (certainly our relationships will be changing)
-- maintaining or bettering my bowling average.

I thought it might be time to revisit this thread and see how we are doing.

Living with Parkinsons - well, I'm still here
- Facilitating a group in cooking mac 'n cheese from scratch - done (next we plan to do potato scallop)
- Well on the way towards the vote - thinking about the celebration (presuming it will pass)
- Good relationship with Grandson (we're working on a zigsaw puzzle when he comes today afterschool) Granddaughter very busy with university and parttime work so we seldom see her but plan to celebrate her 19th birthday (age of majority in NB) with her next week.
- Bowling average - I started Sept with an average of 77.7, which quickly dropped to a discouraging 71.6 by mid-October. Then a slow struggle back to Jan. 1st and an average of 73.8 - and now it's 75.3 - so I think I'm maintaining my average.

How are the rest of you doing?
I thought it might be time to revisit this thread and see how we are doing.

Living with Parkinsons - well, I'm still here
- Facilitating a group in cooking mac 'n cheese from scratch - done (next we plan to do potato scallop)
- Well on the way towards the vote - thinking about the celebration (presuming it will pass)
- Good relationship with Grandson (we're working on a zigsaw puzzle when he comes today afterschool) Granddaughter very busy with university and parttime work so we seldom see her but plan to celebrate her 19th birthday (age of majority in NB) with her next week.
- Bowling average - I started Sept with an average of 77.7, which quickly dropped to a discouraging 71.6 by mid-October. Then a slow struggle back to Jan. 1st and an average of 73.8 - and now it's 75.3 - so I think I'm maintaining my average.

How are the rest of you doing?
That was a good idea - to re-visit the thread Seeler. It sounds like you're doing well :)

I joined my Baptist church's Bible reading program, which means that I lost my focus on Luke. We're currently in 1 Corinthians. My evening devotions are good, every night at 9:30pm. However, my morning devotions less so - as I find it difficult to leave the comfort of my warm bed. I do read a prayer, The Apostle's Creed, The Lord's Prayer, a chapter from 1 Corinthians, and a Psalm when riding the silver turtle (subway) in the morning. I am still planning to. I have already stopped speaking at my Baptist church other than doing announcements. The step will come at our annual business meeting at the end of this month.
Grace is easy when times are simple and light. Last few weeks have been anything but with the hardest part trying to focus on what wil help a team long term when company needs so much.
I am thankful to be home.