Not Sure Where to Put This ...

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I think you've got it in the right place, @Luce NDs . I have not seen that TED Talk yet, but I shall now that you have recommended it.
I've been thinking about this for a long time - a basic income. Actually I seem to recall an essay by Pierre Berton on this forty or so years ago. A basic income that would free us from worry about where our next meal was coming from, or where we would sleep tonight. Related to this is our attitudes toward work. Work itself isn't a virtue - if it is unnecessary, or if it can be done better or more efficiently robots or computers, it seems to me that it is a soul-destroying drudgery to expect people to do it day after day to earn a pay cheque, while a basic income would free them for more creative and satisfying activities.
To finance a basic income, the wealthy would have to pay income tax. They aren't going to do that. We've entered a quite mad period in which the very wealthy want ALL the money. They won't pay taxes to make university possible. They won't pay taxes to supply health care - unless they're forced to. They won't pay taxes to feed or house the very poor. They want everything for themselves. They are now murdering people by the millions to achieve that, and refugeeing them by the tens of millions with much worse to come.
We have a new a ristocracy. Government is for them, only for them.
To finance a basic income, the wealthy would have to pay income tax. They aren't going to do that. We've entered a quite mad period in which the very wealthy want ALL the money. They won't pay taxes to make university possible. They won't pay taxes to supply health care - unless they're forced to. They won't pay taxes to feed or house the very poor. They want everything for themselves. They are now murdering people by the millions to achieve that, and refugeeing them by the tens of millions with much worse to come.
We have a new a ristocracy. Government is for them, only for them.

Do those who associate with the rich and powerful in any way have a dark cloudy spot that blocks out something incredible?

Would that impact them Icily or as Isis? We are our own worst ... what? I see another component of PTSD passed in Fredericton recently ...
I'm afraid we all have a touch of this. I have just written my daily blog (almost done) with a section on the Christian world's record of greed and murder. I know of no people in word history who have been worse.
I'm afraid we all have a touch of this. I have just written my daily blog (almost done) with a section on the Christian world's record of greed and murder. I know of no people in word history who have been worse.

Are you speaking of mental blindness as an attribute of a Jaerd sol?