in the thick: wicked, naughty weather

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Delightful Life

M&M, Cascadian Lovers
cue sulu's voice

while i swelter in this heat wave

oh, look at all the wonderful weather that tricksy nature is doing


yay redistributing energy!

sunbathers in Novosibirsk, Siberia enjoying a nice & cool 41 C...which drops to 20, high winds and HAILSTONES!

what a culture ;3

(reminds me of some occasions on Kal lake...)

see those people in the water? i'd be one of those...and prolly end up brained by an icy gobstopper...

and what other weather around the globe do we have? *looks towards toronto with his unseasonably cool temps*
that was the weirdest hailstorm! huge size of hail - must hurt horribly!
that was the weirdest hailstorm! huge size of hail - must hurt horribly!
Depends on where you are :)
It looks like the typical big hailstorm the Calgary area or Southern Alberta gets every year or two.