History of the colloquial use of "jackboot"

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Communication requires a transmitter and a receiver. Intent does play a part. Confusion needs to be clarified and dealt with maturely.

You are claiming that your intent was not to call revsdd a nazi. I will take you at your word on that.

revsdd did receive the qualifier as you calling him a nazi. How he feels about that is his stuff to work out.

A measured response would have been to apologize for misunderstanding and clarify your intent. Instead you attempted to throw blame on others suggesting that you would not have used the term had they not used it first.

One thing that is not helping is multiple conversations with multiple parties in multiple forums all on this one term.

You may serve your own interests best by considering what it is precisely you want to accomplish and what path is best to take to that goal.

You were trying to help me here, in this much. Thanks. I can see that you were trying to. The rest I didn't find helpful but I didn't have to vent my spleen. This wasn't and isn't about you.
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Coming in here as a mod along with personal thoughts.

There's more than one issue coming up.

Jackboot - I think the origin has been made clear. I was unfamiliar with the term until it was brought up. When Mendalla use the term, he wasn't using it to describe anyone's actions, directly or indirectly, he was saying the opposite.

I can understand taking that term and using it to mean authoritative in a much less sense than acting like a Nazi. It was still being used as a criticism, and I can understand why revsdd was offended by it. People have had the chance to explain their intentions and their feelings behind it. Continuing to go over the meaning, arguing over the different source for defining it is just going in circles. It's time to drop it.

Bringing up private conversations publicly - This is covered in the Terms of Conduct:

In this instance, enforcing this rule at this point isn't going to accomplish anything positive.

Whether a private conversation from a mod is personal or not - In the future the mod font should help with this.

Criticisms of a person - Things have gone beyond just criticizing someone's behaviour. Calling someone power-hungry, power-tripping and a hypocrite is not respectful. As mods I think it's fair to say none of us are fighting over power, scrambling to be the first to warn someone or delete a comment. With the comments being brought up, I feel as though moderating any of these personal attacks is just going to snowball what has already occurred. Further personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Being able to communicate with all of council in an non-public setting - Sending a message to someone on council with a request to post it in an area where council can see it is one way of accomplishing this. All of us can also be included in a conversation. A report can also be made Sending one or two messages makes for simpler communication over many messages.

Discussing moderation - There is nothing wrong with discussing rules and policies. The terms of conduct began with members voting on them. Going around and round in circles is not productive though. To discuss policies, do so in a respectful manner. Chances are there will be some points that not everyone is going to agree, this is part of the purpose of having council. We do take feedback into consideration but it's not always possible to make everyone happy.
Thanks ChemGal for this very thoughtful and comprehensive post.

We have had quite of bit of discussion (on various threads) recently about the moderation on WC2. I have found these conversations very valuable and I am glad they are starting to take place.

There are many nuances to the issues involved in moderation and I am beginning to appreciate this more and more.
I think there does need to be a safe place to address council member overreach safely...in the event anyone else should need to. I don't feel there's shame saying what I feel happened here. I slept on it and feel the same way. I have not changed my opinion of what happened. I do wish there was a more reasonable way to resolve it. I appreciate that the council did not block this thread, and the expression herein, however. But there needs to be something better in place.