High River Sunflowers are Blooming

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wondering & wandering
On our original wondercafe site - there was a thread about the UCCan sunflower project in High River Alberta. Well ... it seems they received LOTS of seeds & the flowers are now in bloom! Sorry - couldn't embed the video - the link will have to do!

http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV Shows/The National/ID/2502375767/

So nice to see the nodding heads of the sunflowers, and the smiles of the community. My church sent donations and seeds - anybody else?
Thanks for sharing that update, Carolla. I love sunflowers! Glad that this project inspired hope for the people of High River.

I honestly don't know if my church sent sunflower seeds or not . . . I will have to look into that.
I can't see the video - glad to hear it's a little cheerier there though!
I saw that story on CBC News on the weekend. Great story about a great project.