Dreadnoughtus has Arrived!

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Well-Known Member

Dreadnoughtus is the largest dinosaur yet to be discovered. Oh - what a wonder the Lord God created!
glory, glory, glory who also created the dino rotting at death, the many diseases that the dino could have, the dino's poop and piss and phlegm and snot and other mucus, the dino's afflatus, the many parasites the dino could have, the various joys at being stalked and perhaps eaten alive by predators, the joys of the pain of being abandoned or being sick or breaking a bone in an accident, the joy of a naturally stillborn dino or a young dino eaten, the sheer awe of cancers growing off the dino's skin, the teeth breaking and infection setting in and then killing the dino, the dying of starvation, being suffocated under avalanches and burnt alive and oh so more...

glory, glory glory in the highest

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I'm still wondering if it is really a new species or just a larger Titanosaur (which lived in the same region). Regardless, it is an incredible beast.
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