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Sunday funday. Attended worship at Hillhurst for the first time since March. They were still closed so I sat on the picnic table on the church lawn and logged on to the online service on facebook. An interesting sermon by Willow Brocke on the stumbling blocks we may have as a result of our personal histories. Stumbling blocks we sometimes don't recognize. It was nice to almost be at church for a change at long last.
No fancy mask here. Been wearing old-fashioned surgical masks provided by work. Even head office team are required to wear medical-certified.
Sunday funday. Attended worship at Hillhurst for the first time since March. They were still closed so I sat on the picnic table on the church lawn and logged on to the online service on facebook. An interesting sermon by Willow Brocke on the stumbling blocks we may have as a result of our personal histories. Stumbling blocks we sometimes don't recognize. It was nice to almost be at church for a change at long last.
I really enjoyed Willow's message today - we all have our blind spots - and they're hard to find, but she offered a helpful looking tool that people could use to explore and hopefully discover some of the assumptions that get lodged in our brains and are blind spots. Lots to consider there.
Stumbling blocks are foundational ... for those that can't keep a leg up ... necessary when mounting bi cycle ... for cycling motions ... elliptical?

Thus ellipses ... stuff of abstract! Can cause a blackout of realism ...
Picked the apples...LAST year I gave a lot away and still ended up with a full milk crate for myself...this year, I barely filled the milk crate above the bottom layer
Today (currently) my father who is 91, is sitting with his lawyer in London, Ont in a video conference to try to get what is legally his. He left his wife of 43 years (not my mother) almost two years ago. She is arguing that he is not entitled to anything. I hope that this is resolved for him at last and that she gets humbled swiftly.