Conspiracies, What Are They ?

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Did you vote? Did you get what you voted for?

I talk to my closest neighbors ... most of them voted ... none of them got what they voted for to hear them talk about it but yet we all work well together ... in spite of the 'government' making everything 10 x more difficult for us to do than it should ever have to be.

So are you telling me that the UN then is just there as a prop? So Agenda 2030 is just a work of fiction ... just a bunch of ordinary people volunteering to get together and pretend that they have any influence on world order.

Silly me ... I thought I was supposed to take their Agenda seriously.
In my province...mostly. Nothing’s perfect, but it’s far better than the last government. In my municipality yes, I think I voted for the best option that won. The municipalities seem to be in synch. The political detractors here are the NIMBY types who have a visceral disregard for the homeless.
Did you vote? Did you get what you voted for?

I talk to my closest neighbors ... most of them voted ... none of them got what they voted for to hear them talk about it but yet we all work well together ... in spite of the 'government' making everything 10 x more difficult for us to do than it should ever have to be.

So are you telling me that the UN then is just there as a prop? So Agenda 2030 is just a work of fiction ... just a bunch of ordinary people volunteering to get together and pretend that they have any influence on world order.

Silly me ... I thought I was supposed to take their Agenda seriously.
No the UN is a platform to bring concerns regarding all of humanity, particularly the most vulnerable of every nation, to the table. It’s a platform to promote justice without enforcing it. It can’t be “enforced” because it’s voluntary. Isn’t that what you want? It just needs some tweaking to inoculate against the greedy monied interests taking advantage of it, like they do with everything.
And @Ritafee if you think Bill Gates has too much of a say in a UN umbrella group like the WHO- and I share your concern that he has too much power to be trusted - then reflect back on the fact that ideological positions like money=speech, corporations are persons, and the supposed sanctity of property rights...are all on the same libertarian right-wing continuum, that Gates is able to take advantage of with his money, as it pleases him (for better or worse depending on what he chooses to do with it)...and where a lot of the very conspiracies you fall for, are originating. The fact that he can have so much say, points straight back to libertarians themselves.
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Oh ffs. When one can’t come up with anything else, say “virtue signalling”. Are your ransom note post signalling how virtuous you are for calling out the “new world order global Agenda”.
I am not calling out anything ... you suggested that the new world order is a 'cult' euphemism for conspiracy theorists. I quoted all sorts of people that quote the same term ... it is a common expression it seems.

I am doing whatever I can possibly do to respect the 'reasonable' precautions that are in place in my part of the world.
There is nothing for me to 'suck up' ... it is called common courtesy and has absolutely no effect on changing what is happening outside of my juristiction ... just like eating all of my food because I have it makes no difference to those who are far removed from me and could not eat my leftovers even if I wanted them to ... so what is the point of preaching to the choir ... as I said before ... we are probably all doing our best in a bad situation ... locally.

Universally ... the 'fictional'(?) Agenda 2030 Alphabet Soup authors have united in the sustainable development goal to 'vaccinate and ID' every person on the planet ... I am absolutely opposed to that Universal Objective ... is that a virtue or a flaw ... whose to say ... it is my position that I don't force you or anyone else not to comply 'by my vote' and you don't force me or anyone else 'to comply' by your vote.

That will have to be good nite for me ... I have voluntarily spent 5 hours outdoors today harvesting compost from my many neighbors generous voluntary donations of excess 'yardage' that they have been piling up for me over the last 5 years. My sister just across the road came around and said ... this stuff is more valuable than 'gold'. Her and I agree on a lot of things. She may or may not vote at the polls I do not know and I do not care ... she is one virtuous human being and I have learned a lot of virtuous lessons from her. Keep it Simple is one of her favorite sayings.
I am not calling out anything ... you suggested that the new world order is a 'cult' euphemism for conspiracy theorists. I quoted all sorts of people that quote the same term ... it is a common expression it seems.

I am doing whatever I can possibly do to respect the 'reasonable' precautions that are in place in my part of the world.
There is nothing for me to 'suck up' ... it is called common courtesy and has absolutely no effect on changing what is happening outside of my juristiction ... just like eating all of my food because I have it makes no difference to those who are far removed from me and could not eat my leftovers even if I wanted them to ... so what is the point of preaching to the choir ... as I said before ... we are probably all doing our best in a bad situation ... locally.

Universally ... the 'fictional'(?) Agenda 2030 Alphabet Soup authors have united in the sustainable development goal to 'vaccinate and ID' every person on the planet ... I am absolutely opposed to that Universal Objective ... is that a virtue or a flaw ... whose to say ... it is my position that I don't force you or anyone else not to comply 'by my vote' and you don't force me or anyone else 'to comply' by your vote.

That will have to be good nite for me ... I have voluntarily spent 5 hours outdoors today harvesting compost from my many neighbors generous voluntary donations of excess 'yardage' that they have been piling up for me over the last 5 years. My sister just across the road came around and said ... this stuff is more valuable than 'gold'. Her and I agree on a lot of things. She may or may not vote at the polls I do not know and I do not care ... she is one virtuous human being and I have learned a lot of virtuous lessons from her. Keep it Simple is one of her favorite sayings.
No, I think it’s a term the right uses to denounce anything that doesn’t fit their greedy aspirations...and conspiracy theorists buy into it every time, like a dogwhistle.
I am not calling out anything ... you suggested that the new world order is a 'cult' euphemism for conspiracy theorists. I quoted all sorts of people that quote the same term ... it is a common expression it seems.

I am doing whatever I can possibly do to respect the 'reasonable' precautions that are in place in my part of the world.
There is nothing for me to 'suck up' ... it is called common courtesy and has absolutely no effect on changing what is happening outside of my juristiction ... just like eating all of my food because I have it makes no difference to those who are far removed from me and could not eat my leftovers even if I wanted them to ... so what is the point of preaching to the choir ... as I said before ... we are probably all doing our best in a bad situation ... locally.

Universally ... the 'fictional'(?) Agenda 2030 Alphabet Soup authors have united in the sustainable development goal to 'vaccinate and ID' every person on the planet ... I am absolutely opposed to that Universal Objective ... is that a virtue or a flaw ... whose to say ... it is my position that I don't force you or anyone else not to comply 'by my vote' and you don't force me or anyone else 'to comply' by your vote.

That will have to be good nite for me ... I have voluntarily spent 5 hours outdoors today harvesting compost from my many neighbors generous voluntary donations of excess 'yardage' that they have been piling up for me over the last 5 years. My sister just across the road came around and said ... this stuff is more valuable than 'gold'. Her and I agree on a lot of things. She may or may not vote at the polls I do not know and I do not care ... she is one virtuous human being and I have learned a lot of virtuous lessons from her. Keep it Simple is one of her favorite sayings.
Good for you. Not everyone will opt for the common good, they will abuse their choices, even deliberately...that will potentially harm too many people. That’s why sometimes it needs enforcement. You believe almost everyone would respect the common good by choice. I don’t. Because it just doesn’t happen. It could, anytime, but it doesn’t. Freedom gets abused by power...some rags to riches property rights advocate aka greedy control freak - makes sure of it. Actually, any plutocratic corruption that does exist in the UN is an example of that.

What you do in your daily life is fine, it’s admirable, even. It’s several of the ideas you espouse, that I find perplexing and problematic. Not everyone is in a position to make the choices you do, and plenty who are, don’t. Or, they just plain abuse their freedom for personal gain as much as they possibly can.
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I am not calling out anything ... you suggested that the new world order is a 'cult' euphemism for conspiracy theorists. I quoted all sorts of people that quote the same term ... it is a common expression it seems.

I am doing whatever I can possibly do to respect the 'reasonable' precautions that are in place in my part of the world.
There is nothing for me to 'suck up' ... it is called common courtesy and has absolutely no effect on changing what is happening outside of my juristiction ... just like eating all of my food because I have it makes no difference to those who are far removed from me and could not eat my leftovers even if I wanted them to ... so what is the point of preaching to the choir ... as I said before ... we are probably all doing our best in a bad situation ... locally.

Universally ... the 'fictional'(?) Agenda 2030 Alphabet Soup authors have united in the sustainable development goal to 'vaccinate and ID' every person on the planet ... I am absolutely opposed to that Universal Objective ... is that a virtue or a flaw ... whose to say ... it is my position that I don't force you or anyone else not to comply 'by my vote' and you don't force me or anyone else 'to comply' by your vote.

That will have to be good nite for me ... I have voluntarily spent 5 hours outdoors today harvesting compost from my many neighbors generous voluntary donations of excess 'yardage' that they have been piling up for me over the last 5 years. My sister just across the road came around and said ... this stuff is more valuable than 'gold'. Her and I agree on a lot of things. She may or may not vote at the polls I do not know and I do not care ... she is one virtuous human being and I have learned a lot of virtuous lessons from her. Keep it Simple is one of her favorite sayings.

On what line does it say they have a goal to vaccinate and ID everybody? Where specifically? Or, by what language, where in the document, are we to infer that?
Good for you. Not everyone will opt for the common good, they will abuse their choices, even deliberately...that will potentially harm too many people. That’s why sometimes it needs enforcement. You believe almost everyone would respect the common good by choice. I don’t. Because it just doesn’t happen. It could, anytime, but it doesn’t. Freedom gets abused by power...some rags to riches property rights advocate aka greedy control freak - makes sure of it. Actually, any plutocratic corruption that does exist in the UN is an example of that.

What you do in your daily life is fine, it’s admirable, even. It’s several of the ideas you espouse, that I find perplexing and problematic. Not everyone is in a position to make the choices you do, and plenty who are, don’t. Or, they just plain abuse their freedom for personal gain as much as they possibly can.
I am not interested in heavy enforcement of laws, btw, but we do need fair deterrents. Fair, humane, reasonable, and limited deterrents. Not heavy handed, brutal, or power-tripping ones.

I’ve had enough of this tonight, too.
PS, I think Gates is a neoliberal, not right wing...but that he was able to capitalize on the path laid out by right wing libertarians. If I were to oversimplify it with biblical metaphor today, minus any dogmatic supernatural beliefs...the UN Charter core values are like Jesus, democratic socialists are like the disciples, religious fundamentalists - of several stripes - are the infamous Pharisees, the right wing is Caesar, neoliberals are Judas (and the jury’s still out on whether that’s redeemable, but despite the hatred for Judas I believe it is a shorter turnaround from there, than from where the Pharisees and Caesars are)...and the rebels who misunderstood that they were being their own worst enemy, also made the mistake of siding with those who murdered Jesus because they were being overly tribal - nationalistic and territorial - while Jesus wasn’t, and they couldn’t see past their rage...those are libertarians. That’s how I see it. And I wish libertarians would recognize that their “anarchy” is being misdirected, that they are supporting the wrong side and maybe don’t even know it - and turn their supposed peace-loving and human freedom energy to where good potential exists already.

And as for covid...I think the libertarian anti-vaxx “agenda” is a harmful one.
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That’s true. But since it’s the conclusion of some people that covid 19 is a UN conspiracy, I felt like I had to address it in the place where that theory was being peddled.
I wish we could have sidebar conversations within threads as things come social conversations usually flow. Keeping "on topic" when something comes up in discussion is an unnecessary pain in the ass. If you don't want to respond to that part of the discussion, don't.

I'm leaving for awhile. There are enough rules and hang-ups in real life. Don't need it here. I'm not 'that' conventional. And I have a feeling the conversations are all about to take a right wing propaganda turn anyway. Just a hunch based on visitors that we might have it come up. I'm severely allergic to it and I feel it coming on. And if that happens I would turn every thread upside down to refute it if I had to. I'll leave the purple inkers ready and set to do that, hopefully..they will be bold enough to stop harmful information if it comes up in any context, not just in the wrong "topic" thread. And hopefully they will do their homework on where it's originating from. Bye.
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I wish we could have sidebar conversations within threads as things come social conversations usually flow. Keeping "on topic" when something comes up in discussion is an unnecessary pain in the ass. If you don't want to respond to that part of the discussion, don't.

I agree to some degree. There are times though sidebars can be totally off the tracks like this was. I know I was part of that and I regret it. We can still talk about this, just in it's own place.

I hope you get to enjoy the fabulous weather we're enjoying. I'll be connecting with friends in a socially distance safe manner. Outdoors, six feet away and enjoying the sunshine.
This post belongs in the other thread because it is is direct reply to Mrs. A. It doesn't fit here.
Oh, I completely understand and appreciate you providing the link. I didn’t report anything, but I just felt that two pages on conspiracy was a bit much in that thread. Didn’t mean to interrupt, though. Carry on, please.

Actually, I am a bit confused by your reaction here as you gave me a thumb up for saying that in the other thread....?
Oh, I completely understand and appreciate you providing the link. I didn’t report anything, but I just felt that two pages on conspiracy was a bit much in that thread. Didn’t mean to interrupt, though. Carry on, please.

Actually, I am a bit confused by your reaction here as you gave me a thumb up for saying that in the other thread....?
Oh, sorry. No, I wasn't critiquing you,I was just saying when I read my reply to you in this thread it doesn't fit here because it doesn't follow the post before it. It's not clear that it was a comment to you from the other thread...just reads like a comment out of nowhere.
Oh, I completely understand and appreciate you providing the link. I didn’t report anything, but I just felt that two pages on conspiracy was a bit much in that thread. Didn’t mean to interrupt, though. Carry on, please.

Actually, I am a bit confused by your reaction here as you gave me a thumb up for saying that in the other thread....?
It was a thank you for bringing it up. I didn’t think the purple ink was necessary after that though.
OMG, perfect example for this thread. I couldn’t have been that the scientists have come up with the approximate time of 18 months until a vaccine is available- its the world leaders and scientists who repeat what Bill Gates says. Duh.