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It seems to me truth can be found in many places even outside our known boundaries.

I believe that God has set down what is objectively the truth. It is God's truth that should be celebrated. Anything that is not in line with God's truth should be done away with.
I believe that God has set down what is objectively the truth. It is God's truth that should be celebrated. Anything that is not in line with God's truth should be done away with.
Except nothing stops people from making Gods truth very narrow and suiting themselves in Gods name.
Writing my methods chapter right now. Could write a whole lot about the fact that there is only subjective truth.

Yes, I'm sure you could. As could I write a rich amount on how God has revealed to us the truth in God's holy Word.
And this is why we cannot have any kind of meaningful dialogue. Jae employs the "God" argument to justify his claims for truth and objectivity. God says it is so, so it must be true. Therefore his truth is objective and unquestionable (as per his belief).

The Cambridge Dictionary defines "objective" as based upon facts rather than feelings or beliefs. Thus for something to be objective one must be able to demonstrate the "fact" to an unconnected outsider to demonstrate its validity - by all means get to work on that Jae. I look forward to an illuminating post (Sola scriptura, for the record is not objective fact, but by definition a belief). Alternatively, as per Swinton, Christians place their faith in a Truth - a scriptural truth that while deeply meaningful is elusive and open to mystery. Ergo, not objective, but yet still profoundly important.
Question: Doesn't God love even the worst sinners among us, and also people of other faiths? I value my faith, and I want to share it. But I have a hard time thinking my ideas are the only true ones out there. Surely God can inspire and love a heart from a different faith or from a broken past or a troubled present. To love does not internalize someone else's ways and beliefs or ask for another to internalize yours: it is to accept in a respectful way as we love and care for others. If my example leads them to my faith, I'm happy, feeling that God has prepared them for that step. I can love a Buddhist, a Jehovah's Witness, an atheist, a politician (!) without tying my love to a necessary change in them.
What is concerning about these "truth wars" is that truth, as per Jae, is used to wield God and the Bible as a weapon. Rather than engaging in a meaningful and nuanced dialogue to uncover how the Bible and Scriptural Truth (the capital T is deliberate and implies a subjective truth) can offer personal and communal comfort, guidance, and so on, the Bible and its proposed truth is used as a weapon, and often in a hurtful way.
What is concerning about these "truth wars" is that truth, as per Jae, is used to wield God and the Bible as a weapon. Rather than engaging in a meaningful and nuanced dialogue to uncover how Bible and Scriptural Truth (the capital T is deliberate and implies a subjective truth) can offer personal and communal comfort, guidance, and so on, Biblical truth is used to justify one's position over another's.

I'll be happy to discuss with you DaisyJane how God's Word can, "offer personal and communal comfort, guidance, and so on,"

Not this morning, though. It's 2:21 a.m. here. I'm off to sleep.
So Jae, a question, why is it so important to you that your Biblical views (which implies subjectivity at the get go) are the only correct views? Why are you unable to accept that there are differing ways to interpret the Bible, all of which are true?
Is there such a thing as subjective truth Waterfall? It seems to me that truth is truth.

Truth is impossible in a world where resting with the best lie is preferred!

You doubt? Just look around a bit at our powerful leaders of all type! They appear flat out but rise quickly to critical attention ...
Jae, in all seriousness, what is going on with you? You've taken the next step on the ladder of crazy, and it's freaking me out a little.

Whoever you're listening to now is worse than before.
So Jae, a question, why is it so important to you that your Biblical views (which implies subjectivity at the get go) are the only correct views? Why are you unable to accept that there are differing ways to interpret the Bible, all of which are true?

You're not representing my position accurately here DaisyJane.

So, to state clearly what said position is - God has God's objective truth which God has made known to us in God's holy Word. The best we humans can do is to strive to understand said truth. That striving can be done alone, however, I have found it more beneficial to do it with others and to do it with people whose views don't perfectly align with one's own.

My latter statement is why, for example, I chise to attend a transdenominational seminary. It's also why, for example, I'm participating in Bible studies here (currently going through Luke with @paradox3 and othets).

Is my understanding of God's objective truth 100% accurate? No, they aren't. Do I believe I can learn from others as I reflect upon their views of God's objective truth? Certainly.
I'm feigning nothing. I think you're a miserable troll, and "miserable" and "troll" in equal measures. Still, I don't want you to be miserable. I just don't want you making other people miserable with you.

You seem to take on different personas depending on who you're listening to at the time. If that's true, whoever you're listening to now is toxic.

We don't often agree with you, but even for me, there is concern for your well being.
I'm feigning nothing. I think you're a miserable troll, and "miserable" and "troll" in equal measures. Still, I don't want you to be miserable. I just don't want you making other people miserable with you.

You seem to take on different personas depending on who you're listening to at the time. If that's true, whoever you're listening to now is toxic.

We don't often agree with you, but even for me, there is concern for your well being.

Thank you chansen, I feel your love.
If you want someone who will say positive things no matter what, talk to Mendalla. My read is that some jerk has your ear. Maybe I'm wrong.
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