TRUMP - Some people think......... How do you feel?

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If Trump signed an executive order before January 2021 targeting birthright citizenship, would Kamala be able to become Vice President? Can he override the 14th amendment with an executive order or would it absolutely not get changed without another amendment?

If it is in a constitutional amendment he can't change it by himself. Requires congressional and state approval. And, in any case, I doubt he could make it retroactive even if he could so Harris is safe. And an executive order could just be overturned by another executive order once Biden takes office.
Okay, reading the article, it appears there is some dispute over how to interpret the 14th amendment and he may do this to force a court challenge that could narrow the interpretation. Fair enough, but with SCOTUS now stacked withconservatives, maybe he will get the interpretation he wants. More likely, though, Biden just overrides Trump's executive order with one of his own.
Not. Sure what the issue is of birth right. Harris was born in California
Her parents were not citizens yet, though, so she got citizenship through being born in the US, not through them. That's what is meant by birthright and Trump and others want to put an end to it because it means that if an illegal immigrant has a child on US soil, the child gets US citizenship.
Okay, reading the article, it appears there is some dispute over how to interpret the 14th amendment and he may do this to force a court challenge that could narrow the interpretation. Fair enough, but with SCOTUS now stacked withconservatives, maybe he will get the interpretation he wants. More likely, though, Biden just overrides Trump's executive order with one of his own.
Trump seems to be coming up with many ideas just to keep Joe Biden busy when he takes office....hopefully he won't start something in Iran before he leaves.
HI read a commentary in a German newspaper that if Trump had been less egocentric and smarter, he could have influenced the American system better towards a way of totalitarian system by changing the system. Thankfully, he isn’t that smart- and he was probably certain to win again, so his reaction to go to court over everything was more of a kneejerk reaction. If he had put in more planning, like influencing/ changing the system, the right judges in the right positions, he would have had a potential to create his own dictatorship, as other countries have done.
We, he did appoint sympathic judges to the Supreme Court. That was a consequential decision that could lay the groundwork for a smarter dictator in the coming years - if Americans don't stay awake.

He hired Bill Barr, who let him off a few hooks in the Russia scandal.
His populist appeal to people's worst instincts, manipulation and handle on the media changed what a large swath of the nation thinks and believes to be true. I'd say that was shrewd and dangerous and will impact politics for some time to come. Though, he had help. He didn't 'accomplish' that by himself. He will take credit for anything he feels he accomplished - but he turned himself into a cultish folk hero by gaining their loyalty.
There is an article in the news toady about his tendency to not read and thus be amoung those that are trending towards illiteracy and consequences of not knowing adequate history as being a considerable lie! There may be some small truth buried there in a dark way ... Machiavellian attribute!
Saw this quote by Mark Twain, and I thought it was timeless and appropo.

"Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid."
- Following the Equator
Well, maybe his good buddy Frederick Douglass can explain it all to him.

In the darkness lies the land of abstract (creative dreams)! Then we must consider what brute desire did to MLK! The dream vanished into the mystery ... perhaps Xena? She may have been Delilah in an earlier tradition about the destruction of templar warriors!

Hate to see a good aggressive career go careening of in to the determined unknown ...

Is it possible that a mortal can determine the eternal unknown? Einstein once said this drove his examination of limited vs eternal things that could only be related by light of time in the function ... images of the d/dt's?

Imagine being intoxicated on intelligence over strange thing incarnating as dark ladies ... Jane, Joan, Eve and other ephemeral matter (non-matter) in the forest of oaks ... אַלוֹ to translate, turn it around! Chi may have a lighter side that is encountered after the end of Dais! Ambiguously it may pop up as AL'N ... with considerable alternate understanding. Worth some research and digging to expand on it ... as it lies there on a medium ... pappy roues? Thus roosters in the story of Levite teachers ... taking a shift at warp speed to accommodate the bent ...

Thus Xena's tongues are alien as well ... deep? Thus augurs and ogres as wood sworkers ... shavings down to the indigenous made ... totems and other icons as signs?

Sometimes just a hard gemstone in a tough bag ... antonyms may include domans and misinformation ... thus we are stumped ...
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Is Trump a typical CEO ... as shole? A review of Aaron James book on A* Theory may be advantageous on learning of the great unknowing ... the process of forgetting critical masses ...

Shole is a difficult ridge to get over ... wrinkles in spatial Zoans ...
I never saw this when it happened. Melania was complicit in the racist Birther thing, too. She wasn't politically disinterested or tagging along because she had to.

I'm looking forward to the Trump Dynasty being over. But they'll continue lying and being not best in media appearances for awhile longer than that, I'm sure.

Just watching and reading about and listening to the Trumps' comments is exhausting. There's only so much, "I can't believe they said that." one can take.
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