The Greatest Crisis

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Graeme Decarie

Well-Known Member
There are days when writing a blog makes me feel ill. This is one of them.


Children in Yemen are dying at the rate of hundreds a day of starvation and cholera. Add the dying adults and it comes to thousands a day. In the end, the count will be millions.

The death rate is no accident. This has been staged by Saudi Arabia, Britain, the U.S. - with Canada in the wings. (Canada's major contribution has been to sell

armoured cars with machine guns to the Saudis to help out in their indiscriminate slaughter -even though Canada is a co-signer of an international agreement NOT to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. The reason other countries don't sell weapons to the Saudis is that Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world. But what the hell, Canada can be flexible for a good cause to make this a better world for Saudi billionaires.)

Can you imagine the stir there would be if a Kim Jun Nu were to do this? Can you imagine the indignation in the U.S. Senate, the threats to nuke North Korea?

The U.S. played a major role in helping the government of Guatemala to murder 200,000 of its native Maya, not to mention assorted priests and nuns. There wasn't even a whimper in the irving press - or most of the other North American news media.

In fact, these mass murders have long been a characteristic of capitalism. A Winston Churchill, for example, had nothing by contempt for foreign peoples or for poor ones. So he thought nothing of killing them, including the quite innocent, to please his wealthy ( and white) friends. Thus his bombing of helpless Kurd villagers in 1920 and his deliberate killing by starvation of over a million people in India late in World War Two.

The behaviour has been typical of capitalism for centuries as in the slaughter of native peoples all over the Americas, the enslavement of tens of millions of Africans and millions of more deaths by neglect of others on their voyage into slavery. Remember the American story of how, over a 100 years ago, the American Admiral Peary convinced the Japanese to open themselves to trade? Well, he didn't just appear. He fired his guns at the people in the coastal cities.

Millions on every continent have been killed to satisfy the greed of capitalists. That's what the tensions in the middle east are about. That's what the brutality of life in much of Latin America is about. That's what Trump's threats to North Korea are about. That's why millions, men, women and children, died in Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia.

This brutality certainly wasn't invented by capitalists. It was common among all the aristocracies of empire going back to ancient times. Almost all of the millions killed in all wars that were ever fought were killed to please the greed of the very wealthy. The reality is that all systems require controls. But we are actually removing controls from capitalism.

The game is simple. Either we control the capitalists or they destroy us. Yes, it would be stupid of them to destroy us. But greed will beat brains every time. The wealthy in Canada and the U.S. have been engaged in looting the rest of us for a long time. Through devices like tax avoidance, secret bank accounts, bribed governments, they have been making the rest of us poorer.

And their newspapers have been covering up with propaganda. I noticed a fair bit of that in today's irving press. Today's commentary page has two (count them, two) commentaries that are really from propaganda houses for big business. Then, of course, it has yet another editorial on the government spending too much money. The real questions are 1. why don't we take a realistic look at what we need? and 2. Why don't we raise hell about the issue that the wealthy are hiding the money they owe us?

Uncontrolled greed is one hell of a destructive force. It will, as it always has in the past, destroy itself as well as the rest of us. It's a foolish course for all of us. But the very greedy are very, very foolish people.

Since 1945, we have abandoned all that we said we were fighting for in world war 2. And we have thrown most of the world open to the greediest and most foolish people among us.

That's why children are starving to death in Yemen. And that's why those children and millions more around the world, including Canada and the U.S., cannot get food or adequate education or, in many countries, any medical help.

And that's why we're getting close to the wall of darkness that has come over every civilization in the past.

Look at those children in Yemen. We have done that. It wasn't Hitler or Mao or Joseph Stalin. It was us. For seventy years, the U.S. has been galloping along leaving a horrible trail of destruction and suffering and death while most of our news media have blamed everybody else but billionaires and their friends.

Oh, I know what would be a good idea. The rented preacher-of-the-week at the Irving Chapel could take the congregation down the road to the grave of Raoul Leger to hear why he was murdered while a missionary in Guatemala.

(I haven't quite finished even this part yet. These blogs, in fact, are mostly made up from newspapers around the world. So this one is going to run on, I'm afraid. I may add a bit to show how the organized churches for centuries have either avoided taking a position on this, or have actively encouraged it. And that is obviously not going to change now._
Stories on human lyres and liens go on and on to keep the rich and powerful out of sublime areas ... where thoughts condense to lesser spots ...
It condenses to this ... the focus of the world on the golden rule is just crap ... blindness to those tied to sovereigns ... English coin of the past ... the attachment remains across the nations ... justice is distant ...

Time for the lights to go out again ... dark ages (times) ... yet some try and eliminate the news of times ... tis all faux pas ...
Thus this chit continues to fall for the lack of a desire for good for all ... and thus it faced sublimation ... reduction of humanity to a point? Do it boil down?