Reinhard Bonnke, a great evangelist

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Hmmmmm. Surprised that his ability to raise the dead wasn't included in one of the fast 5 facts.

Wonder why it was important to include that he was surrounded by his family and how he met his wife.

Not confident he was a great evangelist at all.
Simply an opinionated thought ... from the theory on "what to think" instead of free thought?

The doings of some deep state impact!
Seems to be another one about whom it could be said, "If you gave him an enema, he could be buried in a matchbox."

Too bad Hitchens isn't here any more. The 8 year anniversary of his death is one week away. There is a shortage of people who can turn a phrase like he could.
I could provide a ridiculous metaphor ... but what's the sense in a world that doesn't believe in literary devices for squeezing and condensing souls? It would be just another escaped point ... points defy optical paradox ...
Too bad Hitchens isn't here any more. The 8 year anniversary of his death is one week away. There is a shortage of people who can turn a phrase like he could.

Christopher Hitchens' lies do atheism no favors.
I'm also an atheist and believe the religious right is a problem.
But so is Hitchens' intellectual dishonesty

Hitchens was as much a textual literalist as the fundamentalists he criticized.

This case has been well made by others, if mostly in places far more obscure than Hitchens’s privileged position on the New York Times best-seller list. For example, William J. Hamblin wrote a thorough and admirably restrained review “The Most Misunderstood Book: Christopher Hitchens on the Bible” in which he held Hitchens to account for his 'historical howlers'.

Hitchens’s "God Is Not Great" is an intellectually shameful book. To be intellectually shameful is to be dishonest, to tell less than you know, or ought to know, and to shape what you present in a way that misrepresents the real state of affairs. In this sense, and in Hitchens’s own term, his book lacks “decency.”

Like Hitchens, I am an atheist, if to be an atheist means not believing in a CEO God who sits outside his creation, proclaiming edicts, punishing hapless sinners, seeking vengeance on his enemies, and picking sides in times of war. This God and his hypocrite followers have been easy targets for enlightened wit since Rabelais, Molière, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, and Mark Twain.

Excerpted from "The Science Delusion: Asking the Big Questions in a Culture of Easy Answers" by Curtis White.
Intellectual recession? May resemble a hole in the ground og reason ... or a'V. "A" being an indefinite participle ... linked with the Hebrew "X" for beings and beans that are unknowing subjects ... encouraging some of us to not bean that way! --- Shakespeare on Toby and naught Toby .. as enlightening satyr ... a contagious means of teaching folks how to think rather than to just thinking with care (anis)!

And you can ask who cares ... and there is a thin response ...generating Celtic thin space ...