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Happy Tuesday @Tabitha ...and I'm LAST! ;) Watched the Canada Day festivities on TV from Parliament Hill in the morning and evening...AB was represented very well by Brett Kissel...I was also impressed with K'Naan - never heard him before and he's good!
I was also impressed with K'Naan - never heard him before and he's good!

Really? Waving Flag was all over the place when Coke adopted it as their World Cup theme back in 2010. The album it was originally written for (Coke's soccer version is a remix with new lyrics) is generally amazing, too.
Really? Waving Flag was all over the place when Coke adopted it as their World Cup theme back in 2010. The album it was originally written for (Coke's soccer version is a remix with new lyrics) is generally amazing, too.
After hearing him sing it yesterday, I realized that yes, I'd somehow completely missed hearing it, ever...don't ask me how.
Details are falling into place every easily for the workshop I've been asked to teach - we now have a date and cost, and have started inviting ladies (this first attempt is by invitation only)