I'm Reinstantiated, What'd I Miss?

Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

Delightful Life

M&M, Cascadian Lovers
Hello Darlings---




The mansion has...changed a bit.


What's this wall made of???

And who parked the Tesla Truckbout front?

Hmm...*exploring the Roomz*

#Systemic Whimsey
Given the cloudy dreams here ... much may have been mist! It went with the haught winds ...

Then the irrationally exuberant declared me insane ... the best possible position to escape responses and responsibility in the terminal condition ... given how the devil exchanges sol ...
Given the cloudy dreams here ... much may have been mist! It went with the haught winds ...

Then the irrationally exuberant declared me insane ... the best possible position to escape responses and responsibility in the terminal condition ... given how the devil exchanges sol ...
Hiho there Loose Ends
What, you got committed again??? Did a Wokist get offended by your spiritual spelling???
Good to see u r still around, m'dear.

I'm glad you've re-materialized.

You haven't missed much.

You mean WC2: Special Sauce hasn't been taken over by the Victimhood Olympics? Or disappeared into a Brown Hole? Or been taken over by Vogon Poetry? Or been investigated by Cease and Desist? Or been Pinkwashed by Pink Supremacists?

Wow. Over a year and still the same.

Good thing.

Or been Pinkwashed by Pink Supremacists?

And the one little pinky ... staid home? --- from the myths of Pigs Fly in Heaven! The implications are wondrous ... but only if you can deal with abstraction ...