Going Camping? Avoid *Ouch!*

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Here's a handy infographic that tells all about how to avoid being bit by critters.


Source - http://lifehacker.com/this-infograp...rce=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

Note - As an alternative - just don't go near any dangerous animals.
Mercifully, most of those aren't an issue in Southern Ontario. The Eastern Cougar is rare as they come, bears don't come much South of cottage country (ditto wolves). Our spiders (save for the fairly rare Eastern Black Widow) aren't especially dangerous. Our only native venomous snake is pretty much restricted to the Bruce Peninsula.

Which really leaves just one of those that we need to worry about - ticks carry Lyme disease (and Lyme is apparently moving north).

They also left one off, possibly the most dangerous creature in many parts of the world including North America - mosquitoes. Between encephalitis and West Nile (and yellow fever and malaria once you get into the tropics), they are one of the biggest threats (in spite of being physically one of the smallest). I think they carry dengue fever, too, and it's starting to move north as well (originally found in South America but I believe that there are now reports of it being found in the US South).
Oh well! We regularly camp where there are bears, wolves, cougars, coyotes, various small mammals, flies, blackflies, horseflies, sprucebugs and mosquitos. Much of the time we wear swimsuits or shorts and t-shirts.
Our biggest attackers when we camp have been mosquitoes and - at one particular campground in Quebec - flies. At a campground in Ontario - we were once surrounded by raccoons at night - but they didn't come right up to us. Maybe they were scared of the campfire. More than once in Intario we've been in our tent and heard the growlygrowlygrowly of raccoons outside.
Black flies and Mosquitos seem to be the biggest annoyance, especially this wet cold summer

But at our cottage in the Collingwood are we regularity hear wolves and coyotes and have seen both up close.

We have seen black bear scat four times now in our field

Eastern cougar scat is seen though I am not sure if the animal has been seen yet as they are very shy.

I don't walk quietly in the woods but chat to the dog and make enough noise to cause large animals to move aside. Surprisingly the der don't seem to and I regularly surprise them on our forest paths

But deer flies, black flies and Mosquitos I can live without