Extinction Rebellion

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Something to think about and consider carefully:

“Secondly, the Extinction Rebellion group has certain currents of ‘eco-fascism’ running through it. Eco-facism isn’t a coherent ideology in the same way that say, conservatism is, but it loosely finds its expressions in high concerns for the environment, coupled with claims to land and heritage, and sometimes by excluding ‘others’ on the grounds of their illegitimate claims to land. For example, Paul Kingsnorth, a writer and climate activist, has wholeheartedly supported the movement, and Kingsnorth’s other writings display a worrying form of eco-fascism. A ‘pure moment’ before the arrival of the other, industry and capitalism. For him, and certainly many others in the movement, migration itself is part of the climate problem; people should stay where they have claims to land and heritage”...

Thirdly, the movement has relied on the willingness of protestors to be arrested. It has encouraged protestors to be prepared to be taken to prison, even for long periods of time, without acknowledging the structural racism of the police and the institutional racism of the prison system. A black protestor and a white protestor would no doubt fare differently if arrested.”...

“Take as a point of contrast Greta Thurnburg’s protests. She has encouraged everyone, and particularly all school students, to march against climate change. Indeed, there may be an issue in how POC children would be policed in contrast to white children, but notice the difference between Thurnburg and Extinction Rebellion: she’s called everyone to arms, not just some people who read a newspaper.”
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Something to think about and consider carefully:

“Secondly, the Extinction Rebellion group has certain currents of ‘eco-fascism’ running through it. Eco-facism isn’t a coherent ideology in the same way that say, conservatism is, but it loosely finds its expressions in high concerns for the environment, coupled with claims to land and heritage, and sometimes by excluding ‘others’ on the grounds of their illegitimate claims to land. For example, Paul Kingsnorth, a writer and climate activist, has wholeheartedly supported the movement, and Kingsnorth’s other writings display a worrying form of eco-fascism. A ‘pure moment’ before the arrival of the other, industry and capitalism. For him, and certainly many others in the movement, migration itself is part of the climate problem; people should stay where they have claims to land and

Thirdly, the movement has relied on the willingness of protestors to be arrested. It has encouraged protestors to be prepared to be taken to prison, even for long periods of time, without acknowledging the structural racism of the police and the institutional racism of the prison system. A black protestor and a white protestor would no doubt fare differently if arrested.”...

“Take as a point of contrast Greta Thurnburg’s protests. She has encouraged everyone, and particularly all school students, to march against climate change. Indeed, there may be an issue in how POC children would be policed in contrast to white children, but notice the difference between Thurnburg and Extinction Rebellion: she’s called everyone to arms, not just some people who read a newspaper.”
Honestly kimmio, I thought you being smarter than falling for this dumm argumentation. You seem to be falling for any article lately that has the word “ fascism” in it.
No...I was already aware that ecofascism finds expression in environmental movements they tag onto or subvert (because fascism looks for inroads anywhere and everywhere it can), and that it’s something to be aware of. My awareness of that is not based on this article.
Fascism is a whole stew of sociocultural, economic and political factors...it seeps in through whatever openings it can find. I think that’s why it takes so long for people to figure out it’s happening, before it’s too late to stop it.
I guess I’ll just accept being called dumb. Here’s another dumb article. Published in the oldest magazine in the US (I’m sure they have made editorial mistakes at some point like every single newspaper ever...but they are not a new radical fly by night publication...they have some credibility.)

I guess I’ll just accept being called dumb. Here’s another dumb article. Published in the oldest magazine in the US (I’m sure they have made editorial mistakes at some point like every single newspaper ever...but they are not a new radical fly by night publication...they have some credibility.)

Could you please leave you fascism theme in the politics threads i.e. you own fascism threads. I am aware you see fascism everywhere and everyone here knows that by now as well. That doesn't mean you have to mention it in every thread there is.
I don’t think you are dumb, you just seem to be fixated on one theme and can’t seem to distinguish between good and bad sources. Everything that connects something with fascism, racism or ableism seems to skip your critical mind. You would probably even mention it in the ice tea recipe thread if you found an article about Hitlers favourite ice tea and how it is becoming dangerously popular today. (That is about the level this guy is talking about extinction rebellion.)
Earth is a complex living system whose homeostatic maintenance depends on the robust interaction of every living and nonliving subsystem. As I will argue later, the biggest threat to life on earth is not fossil fuel emissions, but the loss of forests, soil, wetlands, and marine ecosystems. Life maintains life. When these relationships break down, the results are unpredictable: global warming, perhaps, or global cooling, or the increasingly unstable gyrations of a system spinning out of control. This is the threat we face, and because it is multifactorial and nonlinear, it cannot be overcome by simply reducing CO2 emissions.

As for the normative climate debate, on the most primal level my sympathies are with the alarmists. Whatever the flaws in their data, arguments, and models, the basic alarm that animates their fervor is well founded. If average temperature stops rising or reverses, we should be no less alarmed. Moreover, the characterization of skeptics as “deniers” also has a core of truth. But it isn’t their skepticism about the science that makes them deniers; it is the denial of the ecological holocaust, the decimation of Earth’s biological wealth and vitality.

It’s like this: Suppose I were infected with a flesh-eating bacteria that is killing me, and everyone is arguing over whether I have a fever or not. Those who say “Yes, he has a dangerous fever. We’d better take care of him” are closer to the truth than those who say “He doesn’t have a fever, so he must be fine.” Now, my condition might indeed be accompanied by a dangerous fever, and it might make sense to take down the fever. But if the flesh-eating bacteria is not stopped, I will die soon anyway, whether by fever or something else. For the planet, the flesh-eating bacteria is the global financial system, and underneath it the Story of Separation. Development and extraction are devouring the world.

If you are a climate skeptic reading this book, I want you to snap out of your denial. That doesn’t mean getting on board with climate science. It means opening your eyes to the ruin of so many precious places, to the wounds of strip mines and oil spills and toxic waste sites, to destruction of habitats and species, to the impoverishment of life on earth. It means feeling the agony of this planet, taking it in, and doing something about it.

Here is the book free to read online ...
Thanks for that. I like how he stood his ground. I don’t know the details about the thought of closing down Heathrow with drones, but I would agree that that would put people at risk and annoy people more than cause sympathy. Its a fine line. The terrorists that came out of the student movement in Germany in the sixties/ seventies went as far as abducting and killing politicians. Certainly not the way to start a mass movement. But- he is stressing that Extinction Rebellion is committed to non-violence , being fully aware that even non- violence will result in violence as reaction from the existing” structures” .
Iphones are extensions to the automation of the psyche ... so thinking can be reduced ... when near nothing it explodes out of here as the last race of common sense.

Even the bible says that mankind must die to achieve this point. Thus dead rests and Mary Jean in the biblical complexity ...

Rest well for at least a century --- Methuselah; on defining your future observations of what you can do after the facts! They are coming in fast and furious ... as if chaos in bad NU's country as laid bare by burnt earth policy! We can't escape it as a massive sociological loss of thought ...

Thus cursive writ is off on discourse! Such things amuse the gods beyond us the smart ones that escaped sooner ... they may appear as bright spots out there in the great unknown ... as stuff and essence beyond us! These items may exchange and convert freely ... like bird winging it ...
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