An Hypothetical.

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There are always influences steering our choices and constraints on what choices are possible.
This is why critical self-awareness is necessary to human well being in the material realm. Many are unconscious of the diverse experiential/historical features by which their decisions are informed. Jung notices this as unconscious human being.

I began my journey of seeking awareness at the age of thirty. The years along the way have taken much baggage from my shoulders. I have not yet obtained maturity, but I am well on the way.

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An Hypothetical.

Lets say that god makes a worldwide announcement, telling everyone that hell has been permanently closed. and that no one will go there ever again. everybody regardless of whether they believe or not will go to heaven even if they sin against him or break the laws of man.

Without the threat of punishment would you still worship that god?

And please don't think I'm assuming that all theists who worship God, do so for fear of going to hell.
It is consistent with human nature. When justice breaks down so do the populous.
I don't worship God or try to follow Jesus for fearing hell, but because of the liberation it brings. It is, for me, a great feeling of being free.
So definitely I would keep on worshiping and trying to follow Christ.
With appropriate freedom one can learn a small part of infinite thingy's to become aware of ... so you won't have bad consequences!
I don't worship God or try to follow Jesus for fearing hell, but because of the liberation it brings. It is, for me, a great feeling of being free.
So definitely I would keep on worshiping and trying to follow Christ.
You say you feel "free", but you're still in Winnipeg.
Freedom is not conditioned by circumstance. Circumstance is conditioned by freedom, or the failure of freedom.

I was raised under the dominion of fear. That fear being deep rooted in the prospect of death and the teaching of a Christian Institution regarding life after death. That fear was cast out of me at the age of thirty. I embraced the approach of death through trust in the presence of God. That presence expressed as unconditional love for neighbours met along my way. Ineptly at the outset and much improved by my experience along the way of transformation.

Based on the pictures you've posted, you've managed to avoid the approach of death for quite some time. Personally, my go-to move is the head fake combined with a stutter step. I can still break knees with it.
Fear ... as it impacts on the state of mind may raise madness ... but if you don;t believe in the existence of mine ... this excavated domain may exhibit an area appearing as void that may contain haunting essences!

Some people in denial of the mine dhole ... don;t think that way ... as something went astray! Could be a sign, letter or icon you've never observed before as it is hidden in the indelible form ... that's inking it ... scratch creation?