
Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

  1. Mendalla

    How do you see life?

    You hear things like "Life is a journey" all the time. And I think we all tend to see life in different ways. Some of us look forward to a destination or even a reward. Others relish the journey, with their eyes on the next waystation, not an endpoint. Some see life as just being, kind of...
  2. Mendalla

    How do we respond to our place in the universe?

    My wife shot me this. I haven't listened to the Tapestry episode yet, but just the transcript in the article raises some good questions for discussion. Given how vast our universe is in both space and time, and how tiny we seem to be in that vastness, how do we respond? Some are just overwhelmed...