
Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

  1. Mendalla

    Let the countdown begin!!!!

    Less than 12 hours left in 2019. I think it is time to get the Wonderparty rolling. Memories of 2019. Thoughts of what is to come (please Trump lose, please please). And, of course, enough Wonderbooze and goodies to get us through to midnight. Fridge is stocked, bar and buffet are open. Here...
  2. Mendalla

    Canada Day Wonderparty!!!!

    So, it's a long weekend for those us still in the working world. Whatcha up to? Anything exciting? Grab a beer out of the coolers over there and a burger off the BBQ (beef is on the right, turkey in the middle, veggie on the left) and let's enjoy some long weekend fun. And I thought I'd get...