Choir! Choir! Choir!

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If you're interested in C!C!C! and are on Twitter, they are currently doing their "12 days of C!C!C!". Each day, they are posting a C!C!C! video or story from 2019. The Oprah one was the first, so number 12. They've also spotlighted the Andy Kim collaboration and the charity event they did with Barenaked Ladies so far. Link to their Twitter account follows.

Pub Choir is basically an Aussie counterpart to C!C!C!. Based in Brisbane, they are led by Astrid Jorgenson, a singer and choral conductor, and Megan Bartholomew. Their arrangements and performances are similarly lively and enjoyable.

A Bee Gees classic:

And they pull out all the stops for their 2019 Christmas charity fundraiser:

Too bad! I'm sure you sang out!

I'd*id do that ... and people turned to look at who's squawking now. It is like my mental-emotional investigations ... if I'd've been allowed to learn when younger ... maybe there would have been a better learning curve of the singer and the healer ... alas ... all I heard in my youthful year from 0 to near 60 was your stupid and shouldn't go there! When will they ever learn that I now carry a lot of sacred wisdom in the dark ... that's my soul experience with the outside's tuff ... learning is an inhibited process by the powerful corruption that puts the story in a mythical illumination! Tis abstract fore shore ... far route ... cryptic distancing!

It is all what's in what isn't said ... or so it appears ... incarnate ... the love-hate relationship with auto nomies ... deep mysteries! That's saul-Ka? ... @GeoFee

Reserves rite of following ... sometimes called a surrey ... ambivalence of the target edom ... item of concern; not talking about things unknown covers for a particular idealism ... naivete? Then there's the question of thy's laughter of the innocence ... by manmade gods of hostility ... grin and bare the sigh'n ... its the trees!
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I've watched it once and can't seem to see the guitarist. Is it in the extreme left corner?
Another song that had me going "Really?" but the regular crew at Clinton's Tavern pulled it off. A lively, entertaining take on a recent hit.

Nice one. Love hearing what other pub choirs are up to. Daveed and Nobu are using ABBA a lot on their tour, I note. I can see why. Nice simple songs that arrange well and most people of a certain generation (meaning my age and older) know them well and even a lot of younger people have heard the music over the years.
They did finally post their performance with Barenaked Ladies. I am pretty sure it was mentioned upthread, but it was done back in November as a fundraiser for Covenant House Toronto. Daveed clearly has a ball, sharing the front of the stage with BNL lead singer Ed Robertson. Looks like the full BNL showed up and there was a big turnout of singers. The song chosen was almost a no-brainer, though I would have loved to hear this crowd do "If I Had a Million Dollars" too.

They also recently released a cover of Alanis Morissette's hit "You Oughta Know" to celebrate its 25th anniversary, but I put that in a post about Morissette over in Random Acts of Music.

Unfortunately, they got some bad news recently. Clinton's Tavern, their longtime base of operations, closed its doors. They are doing a fundraiser to help out the staff who apparently haven't received their final pay cheques. Daveed and Nobu have been touring quite a bit this winter so that may buy them time to find a new permanent venue for their regular Toronto meetings.
Unfortunately, they got some bad news recently. Clinton's Tavern, their longtime base of operations, closed its doors. They are doing a fundraiser to help out the staff who apparently haven't received their final pay cheques.

And here is that event. Fittingly, it's a performance of Bill Withers' "Lean On Me"
