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Please. Gross. Can we have some better examples than a new age pseudo guru from the right wing manosphere who was supplement slinging business partners with Joe Rogan?

The merging of new age holistic practices and right wing politics is disturbing. Especially since so many fail to realize they’ve been intentionally “red pilled”. But Delightful Life knows this. He’s going to keep trying.
There is always some dirt to hide in ...
Good song by Peter Gabriel
"Digging in the Dirt" :3

And what you feed, grows

Which wolf do you feed?

And the long quote aboot watching your thoughts because they eventually become your destiny through constant repetition...
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Good song by Peter Gabriel
"Digging in the Dirt" :3

And what you feed, grows

Which wolf do you feed?

And the long quote aboot watching your thoughts because they eventually become your destiny through constant repetition...

Well until some rich grocer corrupts your content! Cereal flaws ... it happens to those unknowing what they do because of excess emotions ...

Alternately on the other side of the koine exchange ... thoughts dissipate ... the great scattering of fuzzies ...

I rad that some legislation is in the courts in places to outlaw the taxation of the rich (not the poor and well to do, but the filthy empowered and those flattering them as heroes and gods). Isn't there some script that warns us about such I dealation of many talents hoarded?

These comments are lacking in understanding due to cuts in healing educational means! The toxins of life creep up on us as virtue unknown ... we've never seen the like of it or their meta 4's ... commonly metaphors are discounted! Their depth being unfathomable ... by those looking for simple emptiness ...

Avarice is said to be the present thing in demand ... not enough of it???? Powers tell the little guise they must display great hunger through red displays ... bloody phun eh? Life is odd ... if you stand back and look it over ... thus after shrinks and inflation ... destitute souls ... and the crusty do not bother themselves with consequences ... it just follows! Blindly it incarnates ... can't see it? No abstract ... everything is bright? Perhaps over the horizon ...
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