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Oh Christ I have a stalker now???
I'd rather have a friend...
Nope. Just paying attention to what you post here. I find it hard to get friendly with the ideas you post. The only thing that has to do with you is that you happen to be posting them.

I'd rather have a real friend too, but I can't square that in my mind with ideas that support harm to marginalized people. That means me. That possibly means you I don't understand why you are anti-equality/ social justice. I don't understand how you've picked the politics that probably is more against you than for you.

As a neutral acquaintance who wishes you no harm, but hopefully a change of heart and mind...I support your animal rescue vids. I don't support your right wing politics.
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First off, I don't think Inanna is expressing a view he agree with, just the attitudes we sometimes see and even express.

And Inanna is quite correct. Many (but not all by any means) social and even religious liberals see aid and social justice in those terms. They see themselves as helping as handing down, not handing out. If they actually had to endure any actual hardship to help those people, all bets would be off. How many of them would actually open their home to a refugee family for an extended period? Individually sponsor (vs. voting for their church to sponsor) a refugee? Give up any part of their own life to make a refugee's life better? I'll bet the numbers would be a lot smaller than the number who are content to put their money in the offering plate, let their church do the heavy lifting, and feel happy that they've helped someone who is less fortunate without having to actually feel any pain or do any work to do so.
How many humans of any persuasion in our Neoliberal societies are doing that? If anything, there are a few Christian and secular humanitarian groups doing it...but the average person anywhere is not. And that is because of individualism breeding selfishness - which is embedded in neoliberalism.
I would like to use my own congregation as an example of a lot of ordinary people getting right into relationship with a refugee family, with a goal to "launching" them successfully. There's a lot of truth in the idea that "many hands make light work".
I would like to use my own congregation as an example of a lot of ordinary people getting right into relationship with a refugee family, with a goal to "launching" them successfully. There's a lot of truth in the idea that "many hands make light work".

Refugees are alien to those not wishing to know new things and thus frightening to those not interested in Nous things ... like expanded cognizance ... leading to confined and restricted knowledge lesser than common knowledge ... if there is a thing like common sense ... anonymous lyre? Ready to jump up and bite Ja' ... like Jack'sly in ...