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Also can't believe there is going 2 b a Third Movie! More Hollow Moon and Earth action?

Ford and Trudeau sittin in a Fig,
I was hoping to see this crowd funded movie. But it is being shut out of theatres in the US, so it may no make it here.

So am listening to the book tape. Unbelievable. You think of Bernardo and Homalka, how terrible things can get when two deranged people get together.

This is more sinister in the amount of people involved. Drug dealers, employees, government.

But all turned a blind eye, because he was obviously involved in the greater good, abortion.

I was hoping to see this crowd funded movie. But it is being shut out of theatres in the US, so it may no make it here.i

So am listening to the book tape. Unbelievable. You think of Bernardo and Homalka, how terrible things can get when two deranged people get together.

This is more sinister in the amount of people involved. Drug dealers, employees, government.

But all turned a blind eye, because he was obviously involved in the greater good, abortion.

This really *is* a golden age for script writers :3
(And you'd think an African-American--his name is Kermit and was convicted of 3 counts of 1st degree murder etc-- would want 2 help the very helpless and oppressed...ahh, inconstant intersectionality...ahh it looks like at least one African-American was willing to fight...reminds me of the current BC Alberta pipeline kerfuffle; some natives want the pipeline, some don't...)
And is that superboy in the movie? :3

Channelling Thoughts,
I have an excellent idea for you, PG-13.

If you are morally against abortion, don't have one.
The story is aboot an actual case of a criminal doctor, m'dear, who got charged, among other things, for 1st degree murder of babies that were born THEN he murdered them I believe. Can't argue with that :3

Also can't argue with people expressing their views. Remember: we can't willy nilly change our beliefs. Some still believe that homosexuality is a sin. Etc.

Just adds spice to life, all of us with contradictory beliefs have to live with each other

Keep Wyrd,
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I know that, Inanna. There are incompetent doctors who kill people, accidentally and on purpose, all over the place. Doctors are no more immune than other professions to incompetence. It's just that PG-13 uses what is essentially anecdotal evidence as ammunition in his anti-abortion arsenal, and I don't like that. It is exactly like saying, "I knew a gay guy I didn't like once, so LGBTQ rights are bulls**t".
I know that, Inanna. There are incompetent doctors who kill people, accidentally and on purpose, all over the place. Doctors are no more immune than other professions to incompetence. It's just that PG-13 uses what is essentially anecdotal evidence as ammunition in his anti-abortion arsenal, and I don't like that. It is exactly like saying, "I knew a gay guy I didn't like once, so LGBTQ rights are bulls**t".
I wasn't sure. Good too know
And I know everyone has triggers
I wonder if PG-13 is for laws banning abbytons? I'd guess not...but I dunno...
Still glad he's here; helps keep the Overton Window from staying 2 "Liberal"
Now Men can Have Abortions,
I know that, Inanna. There are incompetent doctors who kill people, accidentally and on purpose, all over the place. Doctors are no more immune than other professions to incompetence. It's just that PG-13 uses what is essentially anecdotal evidence as ammunition in his anti-abortion arsenal, and I don't like that. It is exactly like saying, "I knew a gay guy I didn't like once, so LGBTQ rights are bulls**t".

That may or may not be what PG-13 does other places but I didn't pick up that that's what he was doing here.
Not sure if I want to see it or not, but the teaser for the CGI (Disney calls it live action but that's a bit of a stretch) Lion King looks spectacular. It's being directed by Jon Favreau who did the CGI Jungle Book from a couple years ago and has also been involved with the Iron Man movies. I'm a bit cynical about Disney's remaking of it's animated films. This one looks like a shot-by-shot remake which seems a bit of a waste/moneygrab to me but maybe Favreau has mixed some things up a bit.

Not sure if I want to see it or not, but the teaser for the CGI (Disney calls it live action but that's a bit of a stretch) Lion King looks spectacular. It's being directed by Jon Favreau who did the CGI Jungle Book from a couple years ago and has also been involved with the Iron Man movies. I'm a bit cynical about Disney's remaking of it's animated films. This one looks like a shot-by-shot remake which seems a bit of a waste/moneygrab to me but maybe Favreau has mixed some things up a bit.

It looks incredible, and I say that as someone who found the animated Lion King just so-so.
Hmmm. I love the book and the old animated movie but this new BBC adaptation of Watership Down looks like it has potential.
