Is Neoliberalism destroying the world?

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Many words should be floated due to our propensity for sinking understanding!

Take word for instance ... a strange information spread ...
Shutting down discussion when labels are used as point of reference descriptors of world views or ideological group behaviours being analyzed or promoted or critiqued, is also problematic. We have to have names for the ideologies and behaviours adopted by groups that influence what direction the future takes, in order to discuss them.

I had to read that first sentence twice this morning..... you know my opinion on labels I think. I agree, they have their place and are important. When they get used to shut down discussion that's a problem. It's often better to break down the concept in discussions. what about the bigger label is the problem? Can we do something about this small part that will lead to bigger changes etc.
That said words like “deep state conspiracy”, only shut down discussion. Even more so because it’s like jousting with windmills.

Imagine asses and such riding securely into the holy city ... Rome? Could be a substitutional metaphor to protect the litter folks as they whittle and shrink away under the care of Theo rope^sts that don't believe in the essence of psyche ... thus phantom thoughts ... ghesit alt items?

The psyche thus regresses into understanding sublimities ... even lower energied points!

I don’t feel good about this. I think the Dems are f***ing up again. They need Bernie to go up against Trump. He’s his exact match - perfect opponent - two New Yorkers duking it out with words (Bernie has better words to say), and opposite policies - and Bernie’s more trustworthy than Biden. He’s been playing with the establishment smoke and mirrors at top levels for years. Bernie has hardly changed his entire career. He tells it like it is. He would come out leagues ahead of Trump, even with Trump supporters. Big mistake to put Biden out in front. I see they ignored the success of that Fox town hall. :mad:

If the Dems in charge make the same mistake twice...they are clueless...and humanity is really f***ed. They need a new path, they can’t go back and pretend Trump never happened and that late stage neoliberal capitalism is a healthy way to continue. If they do, I will seriously lose hope.
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Biden is the same s**t, different pile. He needs to retire and take honest stock of how his and Obama’s decisions contributed to some bad things in the world. Bernie may be old but his policies would be new, and refreshing.

They’re doing the same thing they did with Hilary! Too stuck on themselves and too confident in their experiences to read the people...not realizing that people don’t want the old establishment back. People don’t want them in charge anymore. That is why Trump got elected. It’s why he even made it into the race, for crying out loud! But they need change in the right direction - not Trump change. Arghhh. They’re playing the same tune. I have my doubts that Biden can beat Trump. We’ll see, I guess. Biden would be better than Trump. But not by leaps and bounds,
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They’re not going to wake many more election cycles until neoliberalism is phased out...if fascism doesn’t take over by then? How long until some “young spry” 35 year olds who were motivated by somebody like Bernie - can be the government and bring in policies that benefit those who are going to have to live on this planet for many more decades? I am so frustrated with how the world works. It’s so stupid. The best people are often overlooked or dumped on and the powerful get their way.
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Former World Bank Staffer Explains How Neoliberalism is Destroying the World

More destructive than bombs, money has become the weapon of choice for the global elite, for the hidden hand of finance can plunder and conquer entire nations, assimilate whole cultures, exploit resources and rape the earth while force billions into poverty, all with the surprising stealth of pen-strokes and business contracts.

Neoliberalism is the economic and political philosophic driving force in the world today.

It suggests that human progress is the result of competition, best expressed by an extremist version of unfettered capitalism, where privatization of profits and socialization of losses are acceptable ethics, regardless of human and environmental costs incurred along the way.

Speaking at The Delphi Initiative in 2015, economist, geopolitical analyst, and former World Bank staffer, Peter Koenig explained the scourge of this political and economic philosophy and how it is destroying our world today.
“What we are confronted with today is the globalization, and the globalization basically that we are living is like a fetish of the neoliberals. The neoliberals who want to reduce the world to one culture, to one set of values, all based on greed consumption and maximizing profits.” ~Peter Koenig
Koenig also speaks of neoliberalism as the root of the type of endless global conflict we see today, including wars of occupation and their resulting terrorism, noting that the U.S. economy is now so dependent on military spending that if peace were to break out, our economy would collapse.

Although from 2015, Koenig’s message is critically important today as the world continues to wake up to the reality that our lives are in the hands of a small exploitative group of inhumane corporations and governments who will stop at nothing to control the resources which make life possible, including water, destroying any civilization that stands in its way.

In the ends of both extremes connect with stuff that has no respect for the medium ... thus thought is displaced with respect and the duality leaves as Ka Deus is ... see them going?

Bet you forgot the thought too as disdained information ... ABBA'de NU's bear ... rye!