Democracy in its present guise is a guardian of cultural insanity ...

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Is Being Human
This article pretty much sums up my sense of what is happening in politics these days ...

We are living under conditions of ‘cultural insanity’, a term referring to a pathological mismatch between the inculturation strategies of a culture and the intrapsychic needs of its followers. Being normal is no longer a healthy ambition.

The demoralized mind ...

  • demoralization tends to be mislabelled and treated as if it were depression.
  • A major reason for the poor 28-per-cent success rate of anti-depressant drugs is that a high percentage of ‘depression’ cases are actually demoralization, a condition unresponsive to drugs.
Existential disorder ...
  • In the past, our understanding of demoralization was limited to specific extreme situations, such as debilitating physical injury, terminal illness, prisoner-of-war camps, or anti-morale military tactics.
  • But there is also a cultural variety that can express itself more subtly and develop behind the scenes of normal everyday life under pathological cultural conditions such as we have today.
  • This culturally generated demoralization is nearly impossible to avoid for the modern ‘consumer’.
  • Human culture has mutated into a sociopathic marketing machine dominated by economic priorities and psychological manipulation.
  • Never before has a cultural system inculcated its followers to suppress so much of their humanity.
  • Leading this hostile takeover of the collective psyche are increasingly sophisticated propaganda and misinformation industries that traffic the illusion of consumer happiness by wildly amplifying our expectations of the material world.
  • The more lost, disoriented and spiritually defeated people become, the more susceptible they become to persuasion, and the more they end up buying into the oversold expectations of consumption.
For the younger generation, the course of boredom, disappointment, disillusion and demoralization is almost inevitable ...
  • As the products of invisible parents, commercialized education, cradle-to-grave marketing and a profoundly boring and insane cultural programme, they must also assimilate into consumer culture while knowing from the outset that its workings are destroying the planet and jeopardizing their future.
It might seem that credibility, meaning and purposeful action would derive from the multiple threats to our safety and survival posed by the fatal mismatch between consumer culture and the needs of the planet ...
  • The fact that it has not highlights the degree of demoralization that infects the consumer age.
With its infrastructure firmly entrenched, and minimal signs of collective resistance, all signs suggest that our obsolete system – what some call ‘disaster capitalism’ – will prevail until global catastrophe dictates for us new cultural directions.

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This seems too rational and thus the need for backing off to the fringe while acting as a conformist ... so that you blend into the insanity ...

Otherwise the virtually mad will take off your heads as did the red queen ... later whitewashed as a myth ... but alas a metaphor of literary value that is Oh so true ... the struggle between the two eroses continues in vicious manna ... ill-bred fantasies ...

Because you cannot express virtue and truth as it is too painful ...
The aforesaid is similar to conversion of objective reason to subjective hooliganism ... deriven from alt roue -ism ... the other law ...
I agree with everything but the last sentence. I find it rather demoralizing.

Why moralizing is a la (allah) mort compared to rising ethics ... once at a point one collapses into the deeper pons (Po' nonsense) ... that's love making to allow the decrepit some relaxation in life that is the chitz ... ANis ANin ... IB Singer ... or so the Wahl NG goes ... resembles The Scream when confined to a ship of fools ... a timely mythology!

Be the death of me ...
Phillips’ riveting story of world domination by elites, a thoroughly researched analysis from A-to-Z: Giants – The Global Power Elite (Seven Stories Press, 2018)

“Understanding how power and inequality is sustained can perhaps offer us opportunities to fight for and win democracy and equality in today’s world.” (p. 22)

  • “The global elite, with their associated armies and police forces are, at an accelerating rate, destroying the planet based on their bottom line, which clearly appears to be corporate profit and power at all costs. Indeed, the planet, our children, and grandchildren are facing a very bleak future if these titans of global control continue to have their way. Their policies have already carried us to the brink, putting life as we know it in jeopardy. Giants: The Global Power Elite is a field guide to what these greedy destroyers are up to in the name of profit and global control of planetary resources. Read it and weep, and then act to resist it however you can. As Joe Hill said: Don’t mourn, organize.” - Dennis J. Bernstein
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Phillips’ riveting story of world domination by elites, a thoroughly researched analysis from A-to-Z: Giants – The Global Power Elite (Seven Stories Press, 2018)

“Understanding how power and inequality is sustained can perhaps offer us opportunities to fight for and win democracy and equality in today’s world.” (p. 22)

  • “The global elite, with their associated armies and police forces are, at an accelerating rate, destroying the planet based on their bottom line, which clearly appears to be corporate profit and power at all costs. Indeed, the planet, our children, and grandchildren are facing a very bleak future if these titans of global control continue to have their way. Their policies have already carried us to the brink, putting life as we know it in jeopardy. Giants: The Global Power Elite is a field guide to what these greedy destroyers are up to in the name of profit and global control of planetary resources. Read it and weep, and then act to resist it however you can. As Joe Hill said: Don’t mourn, organize.” - Dennis J. Bernstein
Libertarians are all about the free market supposedly ‘emancipating’ citizens from being oppressed by government rules, which translates into deregulation, and corporate profit - corporations can get away with more when deregulated - eg. if food packaging plants are deregulated they don’t have to worry about safety violations slowing down business. When corporations oversee themselves, they inevitably get away with corruption. Look at environmental science and corporations taking research into their own hands. It’s not really about individual freedom, in practice. We don’t have individual freedom when corporations monopolize and commodify resources vital for human life. The freedom aspect of Libertarianism doesn’t, in practice, lead to freedom.
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Libertarians are all about the free market supposedly ‘emancipating’ citizens from being oppressed by government rules, which translates into deregulation, and corporate profit - corporations can get away with more when deregulated - eg. if food packaging plants are deregulated they don’t have to worry about safety violations slowing down business. When corporations oversee themselves, they inevitably get away with corruption. Look at environmental science and corporations taking research into their own hands. It’s not really about individual freedom, in practice. We don’t have individual freedom when corporations monopolize and commodify resources vital for human life. The freedom aspect of Libertarianism doesn’t, in practice, lead to freedom.

I suspect that a pure form of libertarianism (note the small "l", I am talking the philosophy, not the party) would regard large corporations with the same suspicion as governments. After all, it's still a large organization controlling what we can do, buy, etc. The focus should be, and I know is for some Libertarians, on individual freedoms against both government and corporations. Now, whether those who use the name Libertarian politically believe that is another whole matter. Ron Paul, for instance, is all for less regulation of corporations but somehow reconciles that with government restricting abortion. That's not libertarianism (note the small "l") to me.
Even small "l" libertarianism translates into selfish individualism - big corporate consumer focused or not. Personal freedom without collective responsibility.
For example...if a small business decides they reserve the right not to serve Muslim customers, and they happen to own the only gas station and motel for miles - even if there was little or no money involved, even if they reverted to a barter system - they still reserve the right to not serve the outsider. Their right to do what they want then takes priority over someone's basic right for a place to sleep, or to even figure out how to move on to the next town - away from the town that rejects them. It's too "Wild West" to be able to be humanitarian or even viable. Sociopaths will still be sociopaths and will find ways to operate at the dire expense of others... That's why we need reasonable laws and a mechanism to enforce them.
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Ron Paul, for instance, is all for less regulation of corporations but somehow reconciles that with government restricting abortion. That's not libertarianism (note the small "l") to me.

Paul signed H.R.5939 ....

A bill to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions ...
  • No funds authorized or appropriated by federal law, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law, shall be expended for any abortion.
  • None of the funds authorized or appropriated by federal law, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law, shall be expended for health benefits coverage that includes coverage of abortion.
  • No credit shall be allowed under the internal revenue laws with respect to amounts paid or incurred for an abortion or with respect to amounts paid or incurred for a health benefits plan (including premium assistance) that includes coverage of abortion.
  • No health care service furnished or operated by the Federal government may include abortion.
  • Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting purchasing separate abortion coverage or health benefits coverage that includes abortion so long as such coverage is paid for entirely using non-federal funds.
  • Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as restricting the ability of any nonfederal health benefits coverage provider from offering abortion coverage, so long as only non-federal funds are used and such coverage shall not be purchased using matching funds required for a federally subsidized program.
  • The limitations shall not apply to an abortion if the pregnancy is the result of an act of forcible rape, or incest with a minor; or in the case the woman is in danger of death unless an abortion is performed.
Ron Paul on Abortion
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Yeah, funny thing, that:confused:...because many of the women seeking abortions desperately are going to be many of the most vulnerable and least likely to be able to pay for them.Those without private health insurance or substantial savings. What if her boyfriend or husband raped her? It has to go to court and that could take how long? Maybe she’s scared of going to court about it. Maybe she can’t afford it because she needs to work and her husband is unemployed and they are a week away from being evicted, and, etc...What if she’s a teen who consented with a boy her same age, but the boy moved away after the summer... she’s poor, and scared and has no family support or they will disown her and that will be traumatic? There are countless possible scenarios and so many reasons why Ron Paul was still wrong. Yes, I think we should aim to lessen anyones’ need for abortion so it happens less but he just sounds like an out of touch patriarchal old man who has no business making a judgment about abortion because, with him, it ultimately comes down to who can afford it. What an a**hole.
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Your arguments and/ or their sources keep affirming for me why Democratic Socialism is a better way for alleviating the problems of injustice and inequality. I agree with much of the OP, but I disagree with where you go to with it.
This is interesting ...

Canada is the only Western nation without any law regulating abortion.

Successive governments have avoided crafting such legislation for fear of dividing the country.

Yet those supporting pro-life positions are subjected to an ideological purity test to qualify for federal funding.

Even organizations that are solely dedicated to opposing abortion contravene no law.

Their only "crime" is that their values don't align with those of our prime minister.

It's ironic that Trudeau insists Canadians support "diversity and inclusion," when he himself does not.

Clearly, Trudeau is letting a particular worldview, and not the law, influence his actions.

The danger here is that if a government can pretend a law into existence, it can pretend others out of existence.

Hail to the emperor.
Funding ... it's all about moni ... the one thing that counts in comptroller led market places that cannot be restricted by aborting ...

It is an unconscious plan to end humanities Eire through fear of not supporting growth (of the Bazaar). Thus much mingling and racket in the streets of Middleton ... where ends come together ... for a price ... tis primal ... considering the fallacy required ... LOGOS? Dark art work ... is like creation ... some say beautiful if not overdone by industrial monsters!

These get lost in the operations ... un conned! Less steered? Thus bull markets ...
This is interesting ...

Canada is the only Western nation without any law regulating abortion.

Successive governments have avoided crafting such legislation for fear of dividing the country.

Yet those supporting pro-life positions are subjected to an ideological purity test to qualify for federal funding.

Even organizations that are solely dedicated to opposing abortion contravene no law.

Their only "crime" is that their values don't align with those of our prime minister.

It's ironic that Trudeau insists Canadians support "diversity and inclusion," when he himself does not.

Clearly, Trudeau is letting a particular worldview, and not the law, influence his actions.

The danger here is that if a government can pretend a law into existence, it can pretend others out of existence.

Hail to the emperor.

Yeah, I'm pro-choice and I wasn't happy with that policy. As long as the money isn't being used for political purposes (ie. paying demonstrators), I'm good with them getting it.
Yeah, I'm pro-choice and I wasn't happy with that policy.
The choice, in the case of "pro-choice" generally means the choice to abort. After all, the other choice (in a situation where abortion is being considered) would be "unwanted pregnancy," and who's in favor of that? In other words, "pro-choice" = "pro-abortion." ?

I have free choice ... to lie, steal, cheat, or murder ... but as an individual there are certain acts that simple common sense tells me are morally and naturally wrong ... war, murder, torture, terrorism, child abuse, corporate cheating, eugenics, democide ... If I believe that I should not do these things ... can I be pro-choice and condone everyone else having the legal 'right' to do what I hold up as morally unacceptable for myself - in any other case but abortion.

And before you start judging my 'right' to be pro-life and actively promote that idea in the public square without being prosecuted for it ... keep in mind that I have had 2 abortions - at my own expense - both done in the US as they were still 'illegal' in Canada at the time. I am not making any judgement on people who choose abortion or on people who perform abortions. I am saying that I do not condone 'normalizing' elective abortion as a health care 'right'. And if abortion is going to be so promoted - then I am not sure why everyone is so afraid of education around what abortion really is ... If I go to the doctor and they advise I excise my gallbladder - they explain to me how that will be accomplished. How many people that have abortions are able to explain the clinical process' involved?