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Rest In Peace: tomorrow,tomorrow
This I don't get and it irritates me. Cities, Towns Countries spent lots of coin on Fireworks displays.

4th of July in the evening there was a Fireworks display televised. Navy, Country singers and

a half hour fireworks put to music. Pomp and Ceremony .

And now when most countries are wanting money and spending money (Millions) on fireworks. Where s the

justification. Grrrrrrrr.
My dog, Lucy, is in complete agreement with you. It's very pretty to look at, I guess, if you're not stuck inside the house with a panicked dog. I've enjoyed them in Montreal a few times, where they have them many summer weekends, hosting international fireworks competitions, often set to music.

I must say that anything accompanied by country music is not going to be my preferred watching choice.

And there is the fact that factory workers in China maintain themselves via the manufacture of fireworks...always many sides to an issue, yes?
I am not understanding why it is a concern?

Are you suggesting that music should not be presented or concerts due to the waste of money for something so fleeting?

Fireworks may be fleeting, but they can be seen by many for miles around.

Is it that money should only be spent on practical items?
Where do you draw the line?
I remember fireworks once experienced in the US in1989 in a park, I think it might have been Cleveland and it might have been July 4th. It was timed perfectly to classical music. It was a piece of art. Like food, some things you can enjoy only once.
I have seen similar awesome displays in England. As a youngster I saw a battle between a sailing ship and a pirate vessel (also with sails!) played out with fireworks, music and sound effects My guess is that this was part of the Festival of Britain….. maybe, 1951. That event was also the first time I had an ice lolly in several colours. It was shaped like Mickey Mouse, a fact that gave me a reason to smile. Never in my short life had I seen (let alone held and eaten, such a wondrous thing.