When family's are broken

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As we age, as parents die, or siblings, I've become aware of how many families are broken.

Sometimes it extends through generations.

Not feuding in the sense of spats, but just not associating.

Sometimes there was an event

Sometimes just a long series of minor items

Sometimes mental health involved

Sometimes it is clear the dynamics of parent to each child rippled down
I'm curious, have any of you seen families come back?

Do families talk about it, or does that just spread the poison

What do you think
We have this natural urge towards anonymity and isolation ... so we do not have to learn anything from our social failures, collapses and fallacies! It may be a type of respect as one stands back and looks at the thing ... blind fate and faith are cherished! We don't wish to see what's coming ... its said to be beyond us ...

There are people determinately opposed ... that's alter persona!
When my siblings where at the age to start families, my parents made the decision to give out their inheritance before they die. We had many meetings about that. My oldest sister already owned the property next to my parents house and I was too young to have any permanent life plans. So , the plan was that my parents property was divided in half, the rear property went to my brother to allow him to built a house on it. My parents were getting the right to live in the upstairs of that house. My parent’s house went to my other sister and her husband, who in turn had to take a mortgage and pay me and my oldest sister out.
My oldest sister, who had a rather complicated relationship with my mother, made some nasty scenes in those meetings, out of the feeling of not getting enough. In Germany, there was a law, that, if you give away your property and then end up in long term care within the two years after, the government can take the money you gave the kids to pay for your care. Of course, government could not take houses, so only my and my sisters money had a certain risk to it. However, my parents weren’t frail at all at that time. But, that scene, my sister saying that into my parent’s face, put a rip through the family. Didn’t make it easier, that now all the siblings were living next door to each other.
Then, years later, my dad had a stroke. Taking turns to visit him at the hospital, advocating for him with doctors and nurses glued the family back together, because everybody did their part.
When my siblings where at the age to start families, my parents made the decision to give out their inheritance before they die. We had many meetings about that. My oldest sister already owned the property next to my parents house and I was too young to have any permanent life plans. So , the plan was that my parents property was divided in half, the rear property went to my brother to allow him to built a house on it. My parents were getting the right to live in the upstairs of that house. My parent’s house went to my other sister and her husband, who in turn had to take a mortgage and pay me and my oldest sister out.
My oldest sister, who had a rather complicated relationship with my mother, made some nasty scenes in those meetings, out of the feeling of not getting enough. In Germany, there was a law, that, if you give away your property and then end up in long term care within the two years after, the government can take the money you gave the kids to pay for your care. Of course, government could not take houses, so only my and my sisters money had a certain risk to it. However, my parents weren’t frail at all at that time. But, that scene, my sister saying that into my parent’s face, put a rip through the family. Didn’t make it easier, that now all the siblings were living next door to each other.
Then, years later, my dad had a stroke. Taking turns to visit him at the hospital, advocating for him with doctors and nurses glued the family back together, because everybody did their part.

How often that myth repeats ... I won't call it a story as many will not believe the avarice in humanity ... why humanity appears to be limited ... just for the learning experience! Some will understand many will take offense and be alternate ... the enigma cannot be satisfied ... so it wastes itself ... only the myth remains as something unbelievable ... mores to look into! Blind fate seems more desirable ... immediate satisfaction? More bully is the beef ...
The brokenness of many families is revealed when a parent dies. Often the siblings with the most wealth and who provided the least care are the most anxious to get as much as they can out of the estate. Most families have cracks rather than breaks.
The brokenness of many families is revealed when a parent dies. Often the siblings with the most wealth and who provided the least care are the most anxious to get as much as they can out of the estate. Most families have cracks rather than breaks.

The death of my Mom, the second to die, definitely opened some cracks between my sisters and I that have turned into some pretty permanent breaks. My sisters bullied me into remortgaging the house I was entitled to live in until I chose to sell it (I was the live in caregiver of my mother for over a decade). Due to market, etc., turned out to be definitely to their disadvantage, but sort of messed me up at the time. And yes, it was the sibling with the paid for house, long time marriage, financial stability, who pushed the hardest to get her share, right then. Which she did, and who I send a merry christmas text to...
And yes, it was the sibling with the paid for house, long time marriage, financial stability, who pushed the hardest to get her share, right then.
Same here, but I didn’t learn until decades later that she also was the most damaged one of us by our parents.
When my mother died she left her estate to my sister. I didn't kick up a fuss, despite the fact it wasn't 'fair''. My brother also bit his tongue. I was well used to things being 'not fair' within my birth family, and my brother really didn't need more cash. He was well taken care of by Disability arrangements in the UK plus his wife's assets. I hadn't spent any time dreaming about a bit of inheritance so it wasn't a big deal. It was very useful to my sister's kids when she died and left extra to them.
I'm very used to injustice ... therefore I have little trust in those that say they wish justice so that they don't have to support any of the infinite siblings ... they stay out of the lo' points and cruise the high road like overwhelming powers ... where we live is heaven fr only the great accumulators that take everything they can get regardless of need ... regardless once meaning lack of regard or perspective from alternate vectors ... a viscously profound enigma ... as something we will get through ... with or without reason! What happens to those that have gathered some balanced reason? Dude consequence ... dun!