What is Toxic?

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Luce NDs

Well-Known Member
Do you have an ide Eire on that? Is it a repetition of just something declared without adequate info? Life is often like that ... and thus we search for alternate ... an alien ego?

Did you know at one time and space "Ego" meant awareness and this was covered up so the thing could rest ... so it lies ... and it is apparent Ego was corrupted ... thought of virtue run off ... in complacency nobody cared for it, or were denied! All is normal? Doubtful if there is a normal ... given all that we don't know and deny ...
Why do we claim a secret vote and then demand endorsements and other declarations that might be as non virtue as the item you are driven to float on your ballot of bote? It is all sinkable ... because of mortal hostility ... and the un gathered state of human intellect ... it is out of here and many do not believe of experiencing IT out there ... just too eclectic ...

You did know that eclectic referred to a spectra? That'll probably make a few more hostile towards me ... as they get prepared to turn me out ...

What is a well turned shaft ... like an Ero from Cupid the archer ... makes people thick and stunned ...
Does physical bio logicality overrun the essence of intelligence and thus few can observe intelligence? May account for obliteration of what is vision! Blinf faith evolves as a jumped up version ... Jacked?
Do you have an ide Eire on that? Is it a repetition of just something declared without adequate info? Life is often like that ... and thus we search for alternate ... an alien ego?

Toxic is anathema to life, l'chaim.

And life is always unfair.
Such statements can and will be taken by determinates to be contrary to their comfort and impulse to be complacently sate 'd or in that state ... state being a mere essence of some unknown folly ... something to learn from ...

Alas, one cannot tell this directly to those determined to be perfectly comfortable when there are thorns below the surface!
Toxic is anathema to life, l'chaim.

And life is always unfair.

Some believe such turmoil in the psyche (unseen power, thus dark) causes the world to turn and thus ther entire outside part ... sometimes known as cos Mo' logic! The Moe part must be resolved ... thus mores!
May resemble Joe BLTZFX ... a dark cloud coming off the hill ... Washington or the Ottawa postings? Pain is obviously disregarded until too late by the excessively progressive or pointed! Bubbles do burst ... as defined by the word incarnate ... the absolute side of the enigma is not all that's right!

Beyond that the abstract and we do not see that yet from a point of power ... consider individuals that stand all alone in their field ... growth of such concerns may be labelled sloe ... a kind of djinn! Jenny? A complex device of essence ...
Ten there is that lucid glass vs the one clouded by concerns ... for those that know they don't know everything ... the challenge of beyond's ... that dark surrounding essence ... few get a grip of it due to fear of the unknown ... a vast impulse!
If life is a story can it end if you are part of it and don't wish to be a point of entertainment?

Thus some portion of it slips along ... ectoplasm?

The definition of story will definitively upset some that believe they are at rest as right ... when they find that they are a remnant of the greater theme ... sort of a plot, plan or conspiracy that you denied? In essence or whatever the spirit of the story may escape as genre ... a type of Ra, or Beam ... Planck?

These can be extracted from the great tree ... a limbic device ... with roots! Some very bloodied and thus the bloodroot ... it be 'witching ... beneath the surface!

Is that over the horizon or an OBI incident? Given all that us denied about cluster, flock, etc. Be very cautious about how you say things ... some get upset over nothing ... as my grandfather indicated! The conflict over positive and negative versions of the top-IHC ... thus heat beats in wave form! Stress, relax, etc. repeat ...

Some may even beg for the Arch Eire ... an item of poor definition! Exciting ... watch it wind itself up ...
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Does complacency about hate raise an opposing kind of ignorant response when someone crosses the line of peace at all costs?

Thus great conflicts start ... double omega's, etc. It is said such hints are not allowed by some sources of hate ... isn't that tyrannical?

Thus the thought degrades into the essence of dream ... spirits and genre thus slip off the ridge! Vale Carries ...
Is ignorance a part of misinformation that comes your way covered in clinical ecological abstract? It is a simple illustration of how there can be vast parts of intelligence that are missing!

I know people that say they know all about this when I've discovered the more yu understand the more you realize you really do not get this thing called hate. I f you raise the subject in pious congregations they will quickly tell you what you don't know about ... a great deal of complexity exists about how to resolve this in a one way method ... thus the urge to depart as laid out in martyrs -ism ... so it goes!

What goes? You guess ... it might appear as Geist ... a dark thing designated by gama ... that's eist! May be related to Isis? Be the death of a lot without thoughts ... but much excitement ... dissonance must be maintained!
Does everything (that is God) encompass a lot of nothing ... i.e. deep space of thought?

I've been told so often that the mind, soul, psyche complex is a triune ground state ... bottom lined! Folly?

Truthfully from what I've observed I do not believe anyone knows much ... only enough to be dangerous ... thus fulfilling the need for limiting curtailment without awareness of the cause ... or consequence! It is a mind work ... rough Job ... and yet it goes on ... you can read about it in various scriptures ...
Imagine one gaffe being toxic while the alternate isn't like ide vs ego and raising superior Egos that may be false ... because of vast unawareness ...

That overbearing sense that somehow we mist something? Everything must balance out ... and we return to the origins ... although some believe they cannot be moved ... and see things from elsewhere ...

In short, observation decreases ... generating an oblivion ... can't see? Isn't that a dark pearl ...
I've read Daniel Goleman on Emotional-Intelligence and audited several courses of bioethics and am flabbergasted at how often half of what he is projecting is ignored ... the intellectual portion! I asked the Prof. about this enigma that actually is stated in the texts but often overlooked as folk do not appear to desire to observe that portion. If you do not wish it ... deny it!

Now I come across another text of Goleman's based on Real Lies and Virtual Truths, or something similar to that label. With power of word and few that can divine differences ... you can say anything and get away with it ... a consequence of ignorance. This may also be labelled as an incarnation (i.e. something that appears not as it is) due to certain deficiencies in mental visions. Some believe the mind is not matter so as an essence it may resemble nothing with a hole in it ... just shout it and it will blow a hole in the dark silence. Sparks may arise ... metaphorical fire as a psyche blows? Probably didn't have a cooling device ... in past history medical doctors believed the head was a cooling machine for works of the heart ... as heat in the night! It is a complicated nano machine ... that Black Thing!

Conclusion: Intelligence goes because of great wishes and wishing is overcoming all the small demons ... common folk ... as they go there is a projected disfunction in trade and things associated to profit making that drives inflation. Inflation does improve the larger end of the scale of monet distribution, thus causing an avarice based urge to bust ... thus we are milked blindly! Like fish swimming close to their alternates ... you can almost hear the response under the bridge as they try and catch a breath in the effort ... being egge d' on! The question of Don arises ... as an old Gaul expression for a' hole ... in something a delinquent sector? Love is like that ...

Presently I am consuming a text on Primal Wound! It is said these are parts without empathy ... and it is agreed that empathy is not physical ... it is really something else again! Some declare it is best to be numb to it or just trashing of the WOKE system ... I hear you never even know that it is missing ... because of the strong will eh! It is essential ... kind of a gas ... ideal and thus not a real gas!
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The same discussion goes on between you and the abstract "you" about entropy vs enthalpy ... one being energy and power and the alternate being wasted and depowered ... great icons hate de powdering ... as a device out there ... hanging! The abstract you may be a very dark aye ... that's be Heh, possibly "I"? We just cannot know because of the overwhelming desire in the populace (paradigm-Aye)! Close to a digmy due Oh ... para 'dice?

What's the chance of where the snake eyes are looking? There's a message there about 4 Ayes ... and closed circles ...
In my ecological experience I found that all things at some point got toxic while all things were of the tendency to be deficient at very rare concentrations ... especially intellect ... may explain clinical ecology when out of balance ...
I have been reading on toxic essences regarding psyche functions and it seems it has no worth to the physical type (soma) that don't believe in in the essence of psyche because of excess emotional spirit. Isn't that exciting for entertaining those that would rather not read into anything of depth?

Is that shallow casting or a supranatural shadow character ... maybe filmy ...
There is an old declaration that; "the night was dark .... and shots rang out" ... ringers, or wingers taking off?

Depends on the stroke of the pen or the shape of your tongue ... nothing to do with what's deep a' la tete ... cold blooded matter, reptile?
Is the backup person a kind of a prop to keep the front one up there? Resembles the Cyrillic И (called "I" elsewhere as close to an N'd) and dependent on the perspective! It is like the follow up to the First command as no one is to be out front ...

Such is pure reason, or as it was once know Logos before folk lost something or other as a brace between 2 I'z ... the implications are considerable as the consequences if you lose the split ... then you will be absorbed, i.e. consumed by the critter ... that's the earth or mire as Apollo folk looked back ... from appreciable distance (distal)! I give thanks to lucky stars that got out some time ago ... life is horrid under the extreme competitiveness that is hostile ...

Peace seems to be out of any consideration ... whatever ration that could be ... everything is some damned excitable ... explodes on the gentile touché ... lev' ET?

Imagine a great pumpkin in folly ... oh the myths hidden there, out of your gourd !