What is happening in the uCC?

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Well-Known Member
We have not connected with the local UCC congregation yet and am supervising a small pastoral charge in Quebec with my first service for there to be in September. I get a biweekly to electronic newsletter from the EOORC. It feels to me like not a lot is happening other than the fundraising drive for vaccinations for poor countries.
Beats me.

Unless I get to our local clergy gathering I don't even know what is going on with sister congregations in town.

The new governance model should have had the bugs worked out by now so we are into working with design flaws and I don't know that anyone is actually addressing the fact that all these changes have basically killed our concilliar church and rendered it congregational. With no connection up or down or side to side it will be every congregation for themselves and harder to justify any assessment from a council that is practically invisible.
At one of the last Pres. Mtgs. a senior minister from Conference stated that he saw something occurring that younger ministers were driving without adequate experience ...the same thing that happens in Big Business ... and some say church is just a version of Big Business (economical with out much essence)! The spirit of wisdom has gone out of it like a lost talent ...

These may be singularly scattered ... accounting for discrete breaks between nothing and the eternal stretch of the same as a bubble (circle of 2D)!

Shekels as compared to spheres ... glowing Ba'aL M's in the dark ... getting their fill ... lost it? extreme passions ar similar ... knowledge is blown ... unseen con sequence ... numinous progression? Something to learn from ... whether positive or negative ... almost akin to with or without love ... certainly to raise agnostics ... folk with questions about how wide spread God is in the virtue of stress! PTSD ... inadequately understood ... portion of chronic stress disorder ... but often denied by the pros as non existent ... because they are unfamiliar with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) as a beam of something alien leaking out of your system ... limbic juices leaving one in limbo! Its a hanger ... needing a myth cause few would believe whatever's ... virtue raised as green ... U Eis) in our own wee niche! A crock or caldron needing a stir?
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