What are you doing to worry less?

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Did you know that in one text of BS there is an idea of values system that states at least 366 time to have no fear ... and then tyranny was entangled for testing the whole thing ... integrally.

Yet the world remains divided separated and disseminated in conspiracies tied to no hope of thinking ... knowledge being excluded without reason, or care for that manna ... 've Naan. Small breads ... getting it together is thus blown into the blues --- Gabriel on indigo! That's blues, a sad song ... about lackies and knowledge dunne gone! They depend on emotions alone ... mad men in the trees? Sapient ... Hebrews labelled in S'N ... being a sin they didn't process deeper into the nowhere question ... depth perception in word ... not for the superficially literalists!

Away we go in the sweep ...

Note the swerve of the broom resembles an aboriginal golf stroke ... apoplexy when mist? One one tier and pyre into the dark games people play!