I don’t know for sure. I can’t remember all the details. I’d have to ask again. My parents were christened Anglican and Presbyterian (one which became United I think). My dad was an Anglican altar boy. At some point grandparents and several elder relatives on both sides started going to United Church. My parents (now long divorced and remarried) were married in a United Church but they’d stopped going to church around university. I wasn’t christened or raised in church but I got peripheral exposure from relatives and friends - started going to UCCan in 30s, was married there then baptized at a different church a little later in life after marriage fell apart. My grandma was baptized Lutheran but went to Anglican Church with my grandpa (and raised my dad’s younger siblings there). They all stopped going in the 70s. Then one of my aunts became a pretty conservative evangelical.
Nevertheless, I wonder what’s more faithful - a committed adherent or a lapsed member? Or, as my grandma taught me - God loves everybody. Just try your best, be a good person and treat people well - which is what I have come to believe (or come back around to believe) is the essence of what it all boils down to anyway, and is what the world needs most because church isolates people - or tends to - from too many other human realities.