
Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

Is that a non-motif, unmotivating or just seizing condition like some call triggers? Thus quantum quivers ...

May sound like a tinkling in the far off distances ... for all we know about eternal and great things that could turn up as gross. No examples required as they are repulsive to those sentient characters ... really pithy to the anti Fey!

They anti Fey are dangerous as they do not know how to take High Flight ... as virtue! That's good I believe and thus we go ...
Hello. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm new to WonderCafe2, but not new to the Wondercafe experience. I was active on the original WC as ConsumingFire. I've calmed down a wee bit since then, hence the new name. Anyway, I'm looking forward to engaging with everybody here on WonderCafe2.
Hello. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm new to WonderCafe2, but not new to the Wondercafe experience. I was active on the original WC as ConsumingFire. I've calmed down a wee bit since then, hence the new name. Anyway, I'm looking forward to engaging with everybody here on WonderCafe2.
That name sounds familiar. Welcome
Hello. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm new to WonderCafe2, but not new to the Wondercafe experience. I was active on the original WC as ConsumingFire. I've calmed down a wee bit since then, hence the new name. Anyway, I'm looking forward to engaging with everybody here on WonderCafe2.
Yes, I remember you. My memory seems to recall a good person with a great sense of humour and LOTS of Christian zeal. Nice to see you again. Hope there's enough to engage with for you here. WC is not the exciting place you were used too, but welcome back.
Welcome! I'm far more active on WC2 than I was on the original, but look forward to enjoying talking with you!

I think we're still sorta interesting, but much of our heart left with the passing of Crazyheart and then Seeler.
Hello. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm new to WonderCafe2, but not new to the Wondercafe experience. I was active on the original WC as ConsumingFire. I've calmed down a wee bit since then, hence the new name. Anyway, I'm looking forward to engaging with everybody here on WonderCafe2.


Welcome back, man! You were awesome! I got introduced to so much music through you :3

And your wit :3 Very cool

I used to be Inannawhimsey

Goodonya for surviving the various apocalypses recently :3
I'm guessing George Son of Herman
Goooo converational jazz

Or BSHater from an alternate dimension

Or my Id having its own login

And so it goes
"Welcome! Do we know you by any chance?" - paradox3


Surfing You Tube Videos inadvertently led me here.

This group is not what I expected to find at the end of that video.

Glad to be here so far.
Oh, wow, I’ve never seen a long ad for WC like that. You probably have figured out that WC2 is independent from the UCC ( they stopped running it) and this group of people didn’t agree to be discontinued. A bunch of skillful people rescued it and turned it into WC2.
Glad to have you here!
Oh, wow, I’ve never seen a long ad for WC like that. You probably have figured out that WC2 is independent from the UCC ( they stopped running it) and this group of people didn’t agree to be discontinued. A bunch of skillful people rescued it and turned it into WC2.
Glad to have you here!

Thus the WC TU as a toute ... that' salle folk!
"Welcome! Do we know you by any chance?" - paradox3


Surfing You Tube Videos inadvertently led me here.

This group is not what I expected to find at the end of that video.

Glad to be here so far.
Welcome. Mrs. A did a pretty good intro. I am a longtime member going back to WC Classic but not as long as some. I am one of the site admins so do the "geek work" to keep things running. Which, strangely enough, is also my day job. ;) :giggle: