US Election Stuff

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This is an interesting development. He might take votes from Biden and Trump. He’s had some insane points of view and which fed into Qanon nonsense. His running mate, Shanahan, seems like a star though, that disaffected Dems, and Repubs, could both identify with. Especially women. She was a smart choice by Kennedy. He knows what he’s doing. It could clean up his image. I wouldn’t be any less comfortable if he won instead of Trump or Biden, let’s put it that way. It probably won’t happen…but then again, stranger things, like Trump, have happened that are much more bizarre than a Kennedy getting elected in the USA. He’s as American as apple pie. ( The family is iconic. (And the Kennedy family was never perfect or non dysfunctional…they were always eccentric. They’re used as a case study in sociology)

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More likely, he splits the Dem vote and hands the election to Trump. The last thing the US needs with Trump leading is a split on the Democrat side. It's the same thing that happened to the Republicans when Ross Perot went independent and split the Centre-Right vote, allowing Clinton to beat Bush Sr.
More likely, he splits the Dem vote and hands the election to Trump. The last thing the US needs with Trump leading is a split on the Democrat side. It's the same thing that happened to the Republicans when Ross Perot went independent and split the Centre-Right vote, allowing Clinton to beat Bush Sr.
Hmm or he splits the republican vote and hands it to Biden. There’s now someone sort of statesmanlike, very “American” and who has just enough in common with traditional republicans for the never Trumpers to support. He can play both sides of the aisle - probably like a pro.

Biden is a bad choice, imo. He is getting way past his retirement time. He wasn’t a great choice the last run. Trump is getting way past his jail time. He was never ever even close to a good choice.

But maybe an independent will win. There’s a first for everything. If one of the major parties had endorsed he would’ve won - he’s a Kennedy. I’m disappointed the Dems didn’t pick somebody else, regardless - there had to be somebody better. Biden is too iffy.

Shanahan is a good running mate and they will push the conversation, so it won’t just be a tennis match between Trump and Biden (the mental visuals of that aren’t good lol). That’s good for democracy.
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This is an interesting development. He might take votes from Biden and Trump. He’s had some insane points of view and which fed into Qanon nonsense. His running mate, Shanahan, seems like a star though, that disaffected Dems, and Repubs, could both identify with. Especially women. She was a smart choice by Kennedy. He knows what he’s doing. It could clean up his image. I wouldn’t be any less comfortable if he won instead of Trump or Biden, let’s put it that way. It probably won’t happen…but then again, stranger things, like Trump, have happened that are much more bizarre than a Kennedy getting elected in the USA. He’s as American as apple pie. ( The family is iconic. (And the Kennedy family was never perfect or non dysfunctional…they were always eccentric. They’re used as a case study in sociology)

He’s kind of a nut bar but he’s saner than Trump and more charismatic than Biden. And he knows politics. None of those guarantee he’d be a good leader but maybe he’d get a few things done? His vaccine stance is questionable. But I think it’s true that private sector big pharma is greedy, corrupt because they are self regulated and competitive - profit over health, in so many cases. There have been bad drugs on the market that harmed people in the name of profit. We have to admit that they aren’t to be totally trusted - they screw up - and their super profit driven competitive nature hinders collaboration among scientists. There are politics involved in the pharmaceutical industry that aren’t about health, if we’re to be honest. I’m not antivaxx at all. It’s possible there were screw ups with how Covid was handled that have yet to come out (it wasn’t helped by the antivaxxers because they just added stress and division and confusion and he’s part of that though) - I just am not sure that’s the most pressing issue in the world - there are so many it’s hard to choose - and I’m not convinced he couldn’t change his mind on it, either. If he got in the antivaxxers might calm the frig down - and then he could take a more reasoned approach when he’s actually working, not campaigning. Reparations are a good thing. I have to read up more. My opinion is subject to change, re:Kennedy. He is odd. But he’s also very normal for the US. Don’t hold me to this though…I’m just thinking out loud.
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I doubt that Americans would vote for an environmentalist.

This kind of perspective is all about us and yet phenomenally unseen as yet as may be described by not WOKE ... but how would many know when knowledge is evil? It's biblical as the Ephraim creeps as ephemeral essence ... fey sunsets?
Maybe the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket will be the one that breaks the mold, but in my lifetime, third party tickets have either been spoilers or also-rans. I just hope that if they don't win, they are also-rans who peal votes away from both sides. Because their current position on the political spectrum suggests that if they become spoilers, it's Biden who gets spoiled, not Trump. I'm not a fan of Biden but another Trump term is terrible to contemplate, esp. if the Dems can't get control of Congress so they can nerf him legislatively.
Recall ... there are always first times ... as initiated in the depth of immortal space ... we haven't got there yet to kill whatever is there for the taking even if it didn't intend to give ...

The consequence is often lost in a chaos of word! Let us reorganize ...
I'm still hoping Liz Chaney throws her hat in....I think alot of people like her including Democrats. Of course the old guard doesn't.
Why isn’t she a democrat? Is it just family loyalty? What policies is she “for” that are particularly Republican? I’m not aware of much. I know she’s backtracked on her LGBTQ stance and apologized… ok I just read she’s anti-abortion. The Roe v Wade reversal issue is a huge problem there, for women’s rights.
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Total and uncontrolled freedom is an awesome temptation except on how it is writ as history ... mostly corrupt given who controls the medium!

We have an example in NB, whereas the forest industry, publishing and energy sectors were taken over blindly to the political occultism! That's the darker side in the medium ... read into the inq*ult ... once known as inky buss ... is it maid up? Aye ... twas Mutter Nature ... chewing ...
Shanahan’s a bit weird too. She’s rumoured, but both deny, to have had an affair with Elon Musk which caused her divorce from Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google. Anyone interested in having an affair with Elon has got to have a screw loose. She’s a money shark, for sure. She’s a bit new agey, in a bad way. I’m skeptical of that and its role in right wing conspiracy theories these days. …again thinking out loud as I learn a bit more.
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Know what? I can kind of see the appeal of screwing around with Musk. He's got a certain charisma about him for sure with his outgoing self-promotion, whereas Sergey comes across as more of stereotypical introverted "geek" type, content to disappear into his office and hack away at a project. But still...yeah. *shakes head*
Elon’s just gross. Sorry. No real charisma, he’s just an a**hole. He wins over women, sure, but I can’t respect them as world leaders. He’s misogynist and narcissistic as hell. Maybe he fake charmed her.

Whatever…his personal life and hers are none of my business but it speaks to her character, imo. Though if it’s not true…which it might not be…then scrap that.
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I don’t want them to elect another pro NRA, anti-abortion president, so I hope she sits this one out.
You know someone one that isn't pro NRA that's going to get elected?
She's republican, she's not going to be anti abortion right now....Democrats are...and whether we like it or not....many woman agree with her( and many do not)
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